my new body work :)

Why is OP avoiding talking price? How much did this cost?
you guys did not read this thread properly. in his first line he gives thank to "Bill" at "Carbon-Effects". Carbon effects specialize in custom wrapping.

BUT the work looks awesome. Makes the bike look really nice.
you guys did not read this thread properly. in his first line he gives thank to "Bill" at "Carbon-Effects". Carbon effects specialize in custom wrapping.

That was said in this thread already?

And if they specialize in custom wrapping does that mean none of the bodywork is genuine CFRP?
That was said in this thread already?

And if they specialize in custom wrapping does that mean none of the bodywork is genuine CFRP?

Looks damn good for fake carbon. At least better than crappy paint work. Probably cost less than a decent paint job.
If its a wrap, its done in real carbon fiber weave no question about it.

edit: and if its a wrap, its a total ricer-poser mod :lol:
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Check the website of the company who did it (posted earlier in the thread).
They apply a carbon fibre material with a marine grade resin overtop of existing bodywork.
Kind of like a fake vinyl wrap, but with the real thing.
in the reviews section he talks about it, it is real carbon layed on top of existing bodywork, a cool mod for sure.

said it cost him the same as a paint job so im guessing 600 or so. id much rather have this then paint. next bike ill look into it.
Why not just use CF to begin with in the layup of the panels? It can't be more expensive than GF with a CF skin, but clearly would be lighter. Doesn't make sense.
it does make sense. do you know how much carbon fibre costs??

if you were to make them from scratch, youd need to make a female mould around your shape, then make a your male mould out of the carbon. both would have to be perfectly smooth = many hours of prep work. the male mould would be your new fairings, if they are to structural youd have to put them in an extremely expensive vacuum/ oven to make them strong and get the air bubbles out. the fairing would take at least 5 or 6 layers of carbon to make them thick enough. many many hours later you have your fairings which are lighter however whats the point. the rider could just go to a treadmill and lose the 5 lbs.

if your an F1 team its worth it but here its not. this process takes existing plastic or fibreglass panels then puts on one or two layers of carbon fibre on top, you get the cool look without the HUGE expense.
it does make sense. do you know how much carbon fibre costs??

if you were to make them from scratch, youd need to make a female mould around your shape, then make a your male mould out of the carbon. both would have to be perfectly smooth = many hours of prep work. the male mould would be your new fairings, if they are to structural youd have to put them in an extremely expensive vacuum/ oven to make them strong and get the air bubbles out. the fairing would take at least 5 or 6 layers of carbon to make them thick enough. many many hours later you have your fairings which are lighter however whats the point. the rider could just go to a treadmill and lose the 5 lbs.

That is CF he paid for on top of the GF! And the moulds already exist for the making of the GF panels. And they aren't structural pieces, they are body panels probably made of the cheapest non-woven GF mat (at least the tail section is, I can't tell for sure if the front upper and lowers are regular plastic).

So again, where's the extra cost in doing it in CF from the start?
That is CF he paid for on top of the GF! And the moulds already exist for the making of the GF panels. And they aren't structural pieces, they are body panels probably made of the cheapest non-woven GF mat (at least the tail section is, I can't tell for sure if the front upper and lowers are regular plastic).

So again, where's the extra cost in doing it in CF from the start?

Do a quick search on carbon fibre bodywork - it's expensive. Here's an example page for various Hondas. carbon bodywork/CarbonHonda.htm

Looking at $1400 or so, plus shipping, taxes, duty etc. Figure $1800-2000 all said and done.
So, pay $2K for a complete set after shipping etc, or $600 for a CF wrap job...

He's not using it as a drag/race bike, so the weight savings of pure CF aren't necessary.
I've applied for a quote - like the look of the stuff, but can't afford the $2K.

It's $600 if the bodywork itself was free. As far as I can tell those aren't stock panels.
Do a quick search on carbon fibre bodywork - it's expensive. Here's an example page for various Hondas. carbon bodywork/CarbonHonda.htm

Looking at $1400 or so, plus shipping, taxes, duty etc. Figure $1800-2000 all said and done.
So, pay $2K for a complete set after shipping etc, or $600 for a CF wrap job...

He's not using it as a drag/race bike, so the weight savings of pure CF aren't necessary.
I've applied for a quote - like the look of the stuff, but can't afford the $2K.

Mint set of used OEM bodywork with fuel tank $1000. Carbon fiber wrap job $600. So total is actual more like $1600. But at $600 I see it as a good alternative to a paint job.
you are correct in that this is not stock bodywork, its a track fairing he bought aftermarket. so your right about that extra cost, we'll have to have a carbon fibre expert weigh in on that argument.. all i know is that carbon is insanely expensive in comparison to fibreglass.

however, it is a great idea if these were stock fairings that you rashed up from a low slide. cover them in this carbon wrap and you have a great looking bike without the cost of the fairings as they came with the bike.
OK I figured out it's not real carbon, it's just a very good imitation like Arun in TO said. Wouldn't make sense otherwise. Sure fooled me!

So yeah I like this idea instead of paint. I wonder if it's applied over a brand new bike if it would help preserve the finish under the wrap so it can be removed after the wrap starts to show signs of wear and tear?
OK I figured out it's not real carbon, it's just a very good imitation like Arun in TO said. Wouldn't make sense otherwise. Sure fooled me!

So yeah I like this idea instead of paint. I wonder if it's applied over a brand new bike if it would help preserve the finish under the wrap so it can be removed after the wrap starts to show signs of wear and tear?

Looks like after the panel is wrapped he puts a clear coat on top of it, so I bet you cant.
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