My hand is useless, will it get better??

I am not a doctor. Not even a qualified paramedic yet. So this is just basic and suggestive.

You were on a dirtbike for quite some time. A type of exercise you're not use to. There are tonnes of ligaments, tendons and muscles in your hand. Like anything, if you use these tissues in a way they are not use to, it will cause pain.

It sound like you probably have inflamed your tissues. If you want me to go all medical, I can but all you'll interpret is what will fix it. Try an anti-inflammatory. Go to any pharmacy and talk to the pharmacist. If this doesn't relieve the pain, go to a walk in or your family doctor. They will be able to tell you if your have torn something or if you have possibly broken a small bone.

The only thing that could be concerning is the numbness. The swelling could have pinched a nerve or something of the sort.

The only person who can do anything about this is you. Go to a doctor if you feel you need to, or don't. I wouldn't expect a motorcycle forum to have an abundance of medical direction.

Not much your can do for hands. Try not to use it and let it heal.
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There is no excuse for a woman not to make a sandwich.....ever

It is normal for pain and sometimes lust of feel, but if you can't move it and it hurts you could have broken a small bone, get it check out

Your small boner has no place in this discussion.
I rode a dirt bike for a cumulative 16 hrs over the weekend and my left hand, mainly my thumb, is wrecked and I can't make it move or do things like make sandwiches or fold laundry! It's not painful, which wouldn't bother me anyway 'cause pain don't hurt, but I need a working opposable thumb!!! This was my first time riding in like forever and I am wondering, will my thumb ever work again? Is this normal/typical?

attention given to person seeking attention.
thread replied
Wierd that you aren't in pain and don't feel numb and can't use it. I've had the numbness in the tips but that was from long rides in the cold and it went away after a few days of not riding.

I would get it checked out.
If it's a pinched nerve it will likely come back. If it's a detached tendon, not so simple. In the case of the latter the longer you wait for treatment the lower the chances of a successful repair. Hours count IMO. See a doctor.
Best (serious) post yet...
I got just the exercise to help you recover... it involves...
attention given to person seeking attention.
thread replied

Nope sorry. This didn't make the cut Mathew. You need to do better. Maybe just call me an attention whore for the 4th time. If you're going to come up with something new, at least make it creative and interesting to the rest of the forum, geesh.
Nope sorry. This didn't make the cut Mathew. You need to do better. Maybe just call me an attention whore for the 4th time. If you're going to come up with something new, at least make it creative and interesting to the rest of the forum, geesh.

ba dum tssssssss!
I like Red.
Where did you go dirtbiking?

It's top secret. If I told you I would have to kill you ;)

Nah, jk. I did my course over the weekend and apparently I am so "tiny" they suggested I ride a small kick start dirt bike all weekend. It was fine with me though, super fun. I kinda want to get my old dirt bike fixed now as I live on a farm and could ride it around there.
i have had the same thing happened to me, where i rode to North Bay on a ss with very little stops. That was last summer, and till now my right hand feels weak. I went to neurologist last week and he said it could be a disk pinching a nerve. Have to do MRI and then will know what is going on. But the doc said usually it goes back to normal.
if you feel any pain in your neck or forearm then i will worry.
I enjoyed all the comments...but seriously ...

Two relative common issues in the wrist are compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel and/or compression of the ulnar nerve within a structure know as Guyon's canal. Given that you have symptoms relating to the thumb, it is possible that your median nerve has been irritated. Alternatively you may have inflamed the tendons and/or tendon sheaths relating to the thumb, resulting in tendinosis and/or tenosynovitis. A

musculoskeletal ultrasound examination can sort these things out and may provide you and your doctor with useful information. Advil may help if its tendinosis/tenosynovitis, not so much if its actual median nerve compromise.

In any case I am with dr_sarcasm, go see someone sooner than later unless it has completely resolved by now.

I have a PHD as well...

if we are talking about a pretty huge dick....
lol...just ****ing lol

I have an MD
if we are talking about a medium size dick....wait a minute !!!!
The J in my JD stands for Jumbo ( this can go on for a while. )

It also describes my personality, not my equipment.
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