One friend made a comment (a girl, sorry ladies) "the engine is right there and you are sitting on it". Ya a guess.. kinda freaked her out.
Tell her when she gets into her car that the crankshaft, spinning wildly at thousands of RPM's, with flailing pistons and rods attached to maybe 12-24" from her feet.
My wife rides as well, with or without me lol. She knew when she met me that I was a bike freak. She just decided to come along for the ride.
She now really enjoys riding, but isn't actually all that "into bikes" in general.
My wife was roundabout half responsible for me getting back into riding after a 20+ year hiatus. One day out of the blue she sent me a text with a photo of an E-Bike at a liquidation store she was at. I just happened to be making a delivery at Cycle Salvage in Peterborough at that exact moment, so I sent her a photo back of one of their used motorcycles for sale sitting out front, saying "This looks like way more fun!". The response I got back was "That looks cool".
The rest is history.
She also rides her own now (it didn't take too many long 2up rides for her to decide she liked the experience of riding, but not so much on the back) and she went and got her own licence. And again, the rest is history.
She's not really "into" motorcycles either so far as being one who will go to a show and ooh and ahh over the latest bike or whatever, but she likes
her motorcycle and is proud of it. That's cool with me.
Or.... I enjoy motorcycling and she wants me to do what I enjoy...?
But we're just two secure, mature adults....
I find it perplexing how many guys I know who seem to have to get approval/permission from their wives for so many things.
They talk about it jokingly, but it reveals a disturbing power imbalance within their relationships...
There's a difference between "permission" and a willingness to at least come to an understanding. That old addage, "Happy wife, happy life" comes to mind.
To play devils advocate, if you take the attitude of "**** you, I'm going to go do whatever the hell I want, I don't care what your opinion is", where's the power imbalance now?