If you're over 25yo, then insuring a SS bike is absolutely no problem. If you're under 25yo and wanting to insure a SS, then you probably fall into one or more of the following categories (from most likely to least likely):
a.) Mom and Dad are footing the bills
b.) You really can't afford it, but you're willing to work long hours just to pay for it (because you think it will get your laid or something)
c.) You're really bad at financial planning (i.e. you aren't saving for your education, RRSPs, future mortgage downpayment, etc.)
d.) You got an awesome high-paying job straight out of post-secondary school and can afford it
If you're under 25yo and the premiums are ridiculous, don't get a 600 SS. I probably make more money than most people under 25yo, but I would NEVER pay $3000/yr for insurance on a recreational vehicle. $3000/yr can be put to much better use.