Motorcycle rack to mount on car

Years ago I was going to a hare scramble with a friend. I wasn't riding the event but he was. We were in his old station wagon towing his home built trailer with his new that year Can Am 400. Yes, the bike cost more than the car and trailer combined.

The event was in an abandoned sand pit which was down a lightly travelled gravel road that was winding and hilly. As we rounded a particularly sharp bend and were descending the longest and steepest hill we were suddenly passed by the trailer with the Can Am. I recall my pal said, "Oh-oh.", as the trailer tracked seemingly perfectly strait down the hill until it reached the turn at the bottom where it left the road. Fortunately it didn't flip over but just bounced violently to a halt.

I'll never forget the tone of his voice as he said, "Oh-oh". No panic, mildly surprised, and resigned to impending disaster.
Years ago I was going to a hare scramble with a friend. I wasn't riding the event but he was. We were in his old station wagon towing his home built trailer with his new that year Can Am 400. Yes, the bike cost more than the car and trailer combined.

The event was in an abandoned sand pit which was down a lightly travelled gravel road that was winding and hilly. As we rounded a particularly sharp bend and were descending the longest and steepest hill we were suddenly passed by the trailer with the Can Am. I recall my pal said, "Oh-oh.", as the trailer tracked seemingly perfectly strait down the hill until it reached the turn at the bottom where it left the road. Fortunately it didn't flip over but just bounced violently to a halt.

I'll never forget the tone of his voice as he said, "Oh-oh". No panic, mildly surprised, and resigned to impending disaster.

The only time I worry when I hear those words is when it is a Surgeon. Lol.
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