Motorcycle Parking Fees Recommended without Notice or Public Consultation

And exactly what further benefit would you derive from paying to park, which you don't already get now, by not paying to park? Don't fall for this cash grab. Ontario's SO good at suckering in people with this kind of crap.

The benefit of still being able to park on side street for a reasonable price when they remove free parking for motorcycles :)
Two photos of James Street - East Side, South-end, just North off Queen St.

You'll see the two yellow signs denoting the motorcycle and scooter section of the pay&display zone. The jeep has been there all morning, I don't see any violation ticket - this is probably not enforceable right now... There was a Shred-It truck blocking half this zone this morning.

Just the small yellow signs, no lines on the pavement or anything. Several motorcycles parked throughout the rest of the pay&display zone.


I'm not technically against a pay by plate system so long as it's understood that moto's take up 1/4 of parking space of a car. I would not be against paying 1/4 of what a car would pay.

Highly unlikely. one fee per vehicle.

One thing I could see is if they broke it up into Zone's. Zone 1, Zone 2, etc. And the parking rate varied accordingly. Seen that in a few cities over sea's.
The benefit of still being able to park on side street for a reasonable price when they remove free parking for motorcycles :)

I know your answer is tongue-in-cheek, but for the sake of those who actually bend over backwards in true spineless Ontarian fashion, to accommodate any idiotic rule, I shall say the following:

At the risk of offending Rob MacLennan with another relevant historical reference, that's like saying you'll get the benefit of not being carted off in a train to Special Summer Camp in Poland when they come looking for "your kind" in the Jewish ghettos. (Other examples exist, too, like mandatory military service in some backwater countries and being able to pay a fee to avoid it. Or, let's say, being a Christian in an Islamic country with Sharia Law. You can be Christian all you like, as long as you pay us more money for it. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera...)
Simcoe st has become a defactor parking area.. the other day it was only scooters and motorcycles parked there (legally). Theres the odd "handicap" stickered car that likes to park there all day as well.
Yes, I agree, this is step one to us paying for parking. They're rounding up the bikes to see how many there are, and before we know it, we will have to pay for those spots.

My guess is $10/day. I will go back to driving my car everyday to work downtown instead, because its free (at least for now).

Who lives in Ward 32? Id like to get a list of names who wont vote for Mary Margaret if she supports this. Ive spoken to her, she believes that we should all be paying for parking.
Their footprints are roughly the same, and I've demonstrated that bicycles can have larger footprints than motorcycles/scooters. So, once again, no, your point is incorrect. Topologically they are the same in almost every way. (

So... what else you got?

And motorcycles can have larger footprints than cars. Immaterial. Corner cases are meaningless.
Two photos of James Street - East Side, South-end, just North off Queen St.

You'll see the two yellow signs denoting the motorcycle and scooter section of the pay&display zone. The jeep has been there all morning, I don't see any violation ticket - this is probably not enforceable right now... There was a Shred-It truck blocking half this zone this morning.

Just the small yellow signs, no lines on the pavement or anything. Several motorcycles parked throughout the rest of the pay&display zone.



If they are only going to stick up those little yellow signs to identify motorcycle spaces, then I'm pretty sure that this trial (what ever that means) will fail. Most people won't see them, and those that do will probably ignore them. There isn't a chance of making them work if the m/c spaces aren't delineated on the ground.

Personally I think that the status quo works. Dedicated m/c may help protect our bikes from being accidentally bumped by cars, but other than that, I see no the real benefit. But if they use them to justify restricting m/c's from using regular spots or as a prelude to forcing m/c's to pay car rates in regular spots, then they are creating a much bigger problem.
Who lives in Ward 32? Id like to get a list of names who wont vote for Mary Margaret if she supports this. Ive spoken to her, she believes that we should all be paying for parking.

I'm running in Ward 13. This is actually one of the issues (of many) I would like to be able to vote on.
No, they are going to use them to force motorcycles to pay a lower than car fare within the designated spots, and possibly a horrible fare outside of the spots.
No, they are going to use them to force motorcycles to pay a lower than car fare within the designated spots, and possibly a horrible fare outside of the spots.

I expect this to be the final outcome too. Give it another 2yrs.
Who knows, the pay by plate system may be in place in about 5 to 10yrs when they next upgrade the machines.
If they are only going to stick up those little yellow signs to identify motorcycle spaces, then I'm pretty sure that this trial (what ever that means) will fail. Most people won't see them, and those that do will probably ignore them. There isn't a chance of making them work if the m/c spaces aren't delineated on the ground.

Personally I think that the status quo works. Dedicated m/c may help protect our bikes from being accidentally bumped by cars, but other than that, I see no the real benefit. But if they use them to justify restricting m/c's from using regular spots or as a prelude to forcing m/c's to pay car rates in regular spots, then they are creating a much bigger problem.

I'm going to need to go back over the documentation but do you remember if the spots excluded other vehicles, or if they were meant to force motorcycles to only park within their bounds? If they only preclude motorcycles from parking elsewhere then the trial has already failed, by design.
I'm going to need to go back over the documentation but do you remember if the spots excluded other vehicles, or if they were meant to force motorcycles to only park within their bounds? If they only preclude motorcycles from parking elsewhere then the trial has already failed, by design.

I think they were meant to exclude other vehicles, but that was in the posts that disappeared off this thread (see my post #704).

No, they are going to use them to force motorcycles to pay a lower than car fare within the designated spots, and possibly a horrible fare outside of the spots.

I suspect that Dean has it right. When pay-by-plate is introduced, I would not be surprised if the machine programmed with a lower motorcycle rate is beside the dedicated m/c spaces, and you pay full rate if you park an m/c anywhere else. We will need to lobby for the m/c rate everywhere, if this happens. This would be a fair fallback to free parking, so let's enjoy the free parking while we have it.
But if its a full scale pay by plate system instituted City wide, theres no reason why bikes cant pay a lower rate and not have dedicated spots. My understanding is that the dedicated spots came about because bikes cant use a pay and display system, so they NEED a plate based system. Putting a plate based system across the City just for motorcycles is a massive expense, and the current system works fine for cars, so theyre looking to concentrate the bikes to minimize the number of kiosks.

I think that our best hope is to show them that 300 spots is not nearly enough and to have sufficient spots for the bikes that commute will block off too much car parking and may result in empty spots for much of the year, and even on rainy days. There are also probably 200 bikes parked downtown between cars taking up 0 spots right now that are not even being counted. Thats much more efficient than the dedicated spots.

Bikes being stuffed between cars in random legal locations outside of dedicated spots is what is best for the City. And we need them to acknowledge that it is also of benefit to the City to have a greater number of bike commuters than fewer.

Ideally, we get them to believe that the current park wherever system is the most efficient so that they can deal with pay by plate bike parking alongside when they do it for cars.
Do we have a Motorcycle/Scooter lobby group in Toronto?
No.. But the Toronto motor scooter club are much more organised about this than what I have seen on GTAM.
Hmm looks like lower simcoe near king st gets 32 spots . near queen 81st gets 8.
Not bad.. Going to count how many bikes in that area when I'm there next
I wonder what a PEO would do if confronted with a Spyder parking in one of these spots
Pay & display has been around for a while, and the long term plan is to replace it with pay-by-plate. That system can also be coordinated with pay by cell phone, so you can update a payment from your phone if your meeting is running late. They could never afford to implement pay-by-plate just for m/c's, but the dedicated m/c spaces may get it first when it is being tested. The big question will be whether the machines will be set up to handle 2 different price structures, 1 for m/c's & 1 for cars? If not, we may get lower prices beside dedicated m/c spaces, but not in regular spaces.

I agree, the more bikes overflowing the dedicated spaces & parking everywhere else will hopefully get the message out that 300 isn't enough, and more would just be inefficient given our short riding season.
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