Motorcycle Crash: Rider Snaps Leg In Low Speed Collision

noob mistake, but he lives
Knee-jerk "blame the driver" attitudes don't help anyone. It's a shared responsibility being on the road, if your approach to avoiding incidents is to assume everyone else is looking out for you then you'll have a short riding career. I sure hope the sentiment that "it was her fault" is comforting enough for this guy while he's laid up with a busted leg and bike.

Pause the video at 37 sec., you can clearly see the car's reversing lights activated and front wheel pointed to the middle of the road. Now look at the distance the rider had to identify the threat and respond from that point (assuming he was really traveling at the speed he claims). From that initial point of hazard perception I count four car lengths plus the driveway in between, that's roughly 20 meters, more than enough time to stop.

I'm not saying anyone is incorrect, it's simply the attitude being used to "critique" someone. Some individuals sound like they've got a God complex going on. I figured if you're part of a community, the complex would be exempt from it...but I guess not. Not saying you do btw.
Strange video. I'd agree he should have been able to avoid this and he doesn't appear to have braked at all.. As he is about to impact the car his right leg is off the peg and seems to be moving forward and down. If you're going to move it anywhere vs just keeping it on the peg to panic brake, you'd think he would be pulling it up & out of harm's way.
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