Motorcycle cop pulls over distracted/cell phone using drivers!

Too bad OPP and Metro wouldn't do this like shooting fish in a

They did, last Fall during a blitz on the 404 at hwy 7 to steeles. It did look like shooting fish in a barrel.
Personally I think the cops should remove your cell phone from you, crush it in on the spot AND give you a $1000 fine if your using it while driving. Think that might be a deterrent .....prob not
Plus be classified by insurers as a "major conviction" resulting in rate increase. Make it like impaired driving convictions are.

I think the fine should be minimum $1000 and points on your license. Stopped at a red light or not
Personally I think the cops should remove your cell phone from you, crush it in on the spot AND give you a $1000 fine if your using it while driving. Think that might be a deterrent .....prob not

Corner of Bush St. and Mississauga Rd. cell phone sting. What a delight to watch. Well heeled people on a mission. Look left, look right, look at Higher Ground parking lot while creeping into intersection and making vip phone call. Fail to notice miffed gendarme standing right there. Ya, the cop woulda crushed it if he could lol. Ok I don't know if it was a real gendarme but he WAS using french.
Yeah and thankfully none of you nut jobs has any input
More and more people are pushing for harsher penalty for the entitled morons driving on the phone. The public does have input and more and more are making an effort to make this law harder on the retards who abuse it. Things will change and so they should.
Really, may you never meet a distracted driver. I have witnessed the carnage first hand perhaps one day you will see the light... Just do us all a favor ride INTO the

Yeah and thankfully none of you nut jobs has any input
Really, may you never meet a distracted driver. I have witnessed the carnage first hand perhaps one day you will see the light... Just do us all a favor ride INTO the
You got jokes ayy. What exactly do you mean by ride into the light
Just put down the phone/electronics and drink your coffee, smoke your cig, eat your breakfast and read the paper while your driving to work. No issues. Welcome to the good ol days! Lol.
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