Motorcycle cop pulls over distracted/cell phone using drivers!

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 Windows Phone using Tapatalk
Sorry. Had to be done. Thought I could bring some humour to this shizzle.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 Windows Phone using Tapatalk
ROFL! This was awesome! I'd watch more of those for sure.
So just to clear it up, from your posts yous a gangsta who hates da Po Po and they all wack? Seriously in this day and age you're not all for them cracking down on people operating a machine that could kill you because they aren't paying attention? That **** is for sure wack yo. :rolleyes:

I dont get why you people (old dudes in particular) try to troll young guys with this gansgta popo wack **** yo lingo. Its lame. I dont agree with cops ticketing me or anyone else when im stopped at a red light. Distracted driving is a major problem but lines need to be drawn before these pigs start power trippin ya feel me
I dont get why you people (old dudes in particular) try to troll young guys with this gansgta popo wack **** yo lingo. Its lame. I dont agree with cops ticketing me or anyone else when im stopped at a red light. Distracted driving is a major problem but lines need to be drawn before these pigs start power trippin ya feel me

You're right. Lines have to be drawn. The line is drawn between the edge of a live lane and and the shoulder or parking lane beside the live lane.

Pretty simple, huh?
You're right. Lines have to be drawn. The line is drawn between the edge of a live lane and and the shoulder or parking lane beside the live lane.

Pretty simple, huh?

Yup. It maybe hard to believe, but even stopped at a red light, you're still operating a motor vehicle.

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
Yup. It maybe hard to believe, but even stopped at a red light, you're still operating a motor vehicle.

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk

So you're saying one can't crack a beer at a red light? What's next? No drawn curtains?
So you're saying one can't crack a beer at a red light? What's next? No drawn curtains?

Only if you're using hands free, like a beer hat.

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
Yo, that's wack dood ..copping a ticket for just chillin' at the red, and macking your baby-mama on face-time.

The 'pigs' enforce the laws in place. They don't make the laws. The law in respect to distracted driving, and use of mobile phones while behind the wheel, is crystal clear.

I'm thinking that you've been "hassled by the Man" in respect to this, or a similar infraction before.

So, no, i'm not really feeling you.. you are the one that needs to stop the tripping, and come back to the reality that is the HTA. It doesn't really care what you feel, either.

Invest in a bluetooth setup, and the issue is moot.

I dont get why you people (old dudes in particular) try to troll young guys with this gansgta popo wack **** yo lingo. Its lame. I dont agree with cops ticketing me or anyone else when im stopped at a red light. Distracted driving is a major problem but lines need to be drawn before these pigs start power trippin ya feel me
Though there has been overkill. Ticketed for just holding your phone or something similar that looks like you might be holding one. Not using, just holding.
Though there has been overkill. Ticketed for just holding your phone or something similar that looks like you might be holding one. Not using, just holding.

Should be spending more time holding the steering wheel crucial to the driving experience rather than other things that are not ? Besides, why hold the phone at all if you know you can't use it? Is it sort of like Linus and his security blanket?
Pigs. At red lights too...this is why i dislike the police

Because they do their job and nab idiotic glued-to-their-phone drivers?

No, you dislike them because they bust you breaking the law.

Nothing you say can validate ticketing for "distracted driving" while stopped at a red light..especially hypothetical situations that hold no merit.

The onus is on you to do your part and ensure you are vigilant and safe. Simple.

So according to you, it would be my fault if I weren't vigilant that a seventeen year old girl is checking her Facebook while driving, then runs me over!!??

Get a fæcking grip!
I am not sheeple. I do not have an iPhone.
I also have a Bluetooth speaker in the car for hands free. Even at a red light.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 Windows Phone using Tapatalk
Keyboard warrior. I bet when pulled over you are the first to say yes sir no sir. I highly doubt you troll the officer as you have attempted here. I smell a troll in an idiots

According to me you guys are all sheeple. Just to clarify
I like how these forums are self correcting:thumbup:
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