motoGP/moto2/moto3 Discussion (no links)

I’ve also read that SIC has also signed a MOU with Yamaha to run a satellite team starting next season.
not as exciting as the Dutch GP
but pretty much any race that followed that would be less

strategy race vs last week's rider battle

anyone catch what it was Rossi said that the broadcasters so profusely apologized for?
I listened 3 times, couldn't catch anything offensive
He said he watched Folger last year and thought to himself "F*&^K Folger was good" it's almost not there, I think he probably realised when it was half way out
of his mouth.
shout out to Luca Marini. Nepotism cannot get you a podium in Moto2. Well earned. Hopefully there's more there...
He said he watched Folger last year and thought to himself "F*&^K Folger was good" it's almost not there, I think he probably realised when it was half way out
of his mouth.

thanks...yeah, not that severe

first guess was an MM disparage
shout out to Luca Marini. Nepotism cannot get you a podium in Moto2. Well earned. Hopefully there's more there...

That's Rossi's younger (half?) brother, right? I really thought Olivera was going to take him but he did well to hold on to his spot against him and Mir.

Oddly enough, Moto2 provided the most excitement this weekend. Binder deserved that win, but Mir is getting closer and closer to that win and is using his scrappy riding to full effect coming up from P8 on the grid. Suzuki are really going to need develop the bike around him next year to keep him from jumping ship ASAP.

As for GP, the SachsenKing did his thing here, as he has in Austin, so no surprise there. Bautista was punchy as hell yesterday. Good on him to send a message, but he is of to WSBK according to commentators, no?

Mav did well to recover that podium, but if he wants to start challenging for wins Yamaha really needs to sort out its issues. Jarvis just needs to go to the JLO camp with checkbook in hand and flat out say: How many zeros will it take to come home and build us a bike? He won't be challenging Marc in his own Team for anything but a random win here or there, might as well get another factory to pay you nicely for not winning a championship and try again in 2020 with a strong Yamaha, whether it be a satellite or works bike.

Motot3 was surprisingly dull, despite all the crashes Martin was never challenged at all.

anyone catch what it was Rossi said that the broadcasters so profusely apologized for?
I listened 3 times, couldn't catch anything offensive

He pulled a Mcphee when talking about Folger's ride last year.

pedrosa announces his retirement ..
easy to understand this, the guy has had more than his share of injuries.

Agreed, he gave all he had and took more punishment than anyone could expect of any rider, regardless of size, for 18 seasons! He can leave with his head help up high, because despite his falling out with Super Sic, I cannot think of a time when he was ever not well regarded: a Championship cannot buy you class and the people's respect. Even during his feud with JLO he still looked like he one-upped him in the long run without winning. It was super emotive seeing him talk about his career. Honda would do well to have him around in the lower classes for race support in some capacity.
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Its over, give the Man his crown already and let the rest of the factories focus on 2019's championship:

I'm really hoping Mir gets on with Suzuki from the get-go, if not, Marc on a Honda as good as this year's is likely to continue this way until someone challenges him or HRC mess up on development again. Mav and Yamaha are still not where they were last year, Rossi seems content finishing in 2nd these days and lambasting Yamaha in the media, JLO will be a neutralized threat on the HRC, Dovi's winning pace is all but a memory, Petrux essentially has the same Factory bike he will get next year in the Ducati Work's Team, Rin's cannot muster a real challenge on the Suzuki as is, Ianone is pretty much indifferent, Zarco suffering the blues of riding an old chassis... Its seriously not looking good, and I say that as a Racing fan first and a 93 fan second, no less.

Silly season WISHLIST: Lin Jarvis, Monster, and Yamaha agree to buy out JLO's HRC contract and he will be riding on a Factory supported Petronas Yamaha for 2019's season despite earlier agreement with Honda.
Damn, poor luck for Martin during FP1, especially since its back to back races and his lead is only 7 points.

Hopefully he has a quick recovery, it would suck to have the championship taken away from him after a really good season so far, and given he's off to Moto2 next season. Talk about commentator's curse, only moments before that high side the guys from BT sports were calling him the 'Mir' of this year--which to be quite honest is a huge stretch given how many races Joan won by this time last year as opposed to Jorge's record.

I'm hoping to see mixed conditions this weekend, to see if Ducati or Yamaha have a chance for the win, but its looking entirely dry so far.

Bring on the Czech Umbrella girls! :cool:
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anyone else felt a bit awkwardness for MM during the press conference? usually he's the media darling.. today i don't think anyone asked him any questions.. even the moto 3 rider had questions asked..
anyone else felt a bit awkwardness for MM during the press conference? usually he's the media darling.. today i don't think anyone asked him any questions.. even the moto 3 rider had questions asked..

What, did you want him to say another, 'Yes, of course (repeat what was said or asked but in another way)...' statement; that has gotten so old and stale I don't even bother with his PC stuff anymore, even when he wins. If you speak Spanish/Catalan, or can understand it, his interviews for Movistar+ are actually super candid and awesome a lot of the time.


Good on Dovi, he will have to fight hard to keep his position but I'd like to see another race like last year where he and Marc duel to the checkered flag again; I see JLO leading in Lap 1 with his amazing starts, Marc getting close to him before or around Lap 3 and the rest of the field battling for podium positions behind these 2-3 riders.

Crashlow will crash, of course. :D

I just want to see Mav have some consistency (good or bad) at the mid point of the season so Yamaha know what to focus on for him, its so frustrating to see him on the podium one race then languishing in P12 the next... especially considering his starts are awful on that bike.
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Solid racing in moto3, and best of all: wind is picking up and rain looks even more likely now than previously expected after an incredibly hot weekend! This is going to throw a wrench into everyone's strategy, I'm hoping Mav turns things around today.

His 3rd place in the championship is at stake as Zarco looks like he is up for a fight this weekend and does well when it cools down.

Edit: Good race! JLO on a Yamaha is sorely missed; hell even him on Ducati is still better than him on an HRC. I just hope Jarvis goes hat in hand to JLOs manager and just tries once more before the end of the season; that Satellite bike with his old team and development and tons of cash to back it all up as a longterm project has to be appealing to him in some regard... damn, I miss this JLO that 2x overtake was beautiful, too bad it didn't stick.

That booing for Marquez is so ****ing lame, like him or not, but he just put on an amazing race against the top 3 fighting until the end. Good on Crashlow for staying on the bike and taking the battle to JLO and Rossi.

Mav is just not in it at all it seems; I don't know the details of the crash but he looks like he gave up on this season.Dovi just took 3rd place.

See this is what I mean, its actually really funny and candid; I honestly think Marc is much like Crashlow in personality (lad's lad) but he has to have a polished PR stance for the English speaking World:

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was a good race
1-2-3 batle was very entertaining, and it stayed clean

didn't hear the MM booing, really?
never been a fan of the guy
but I'm coming around
the talent has never been in doubt
but the dirty riding and cocky BS were a problem

seems to have realized he's fast enough that he doesn't need to be dirty
and a podium finish is way better that a crash
seems to be more comfortable with himself and having fun

46 needs to put the feud behind him, but still is racing very well
Vinales is in a funk eh? snake bitten

Crashlow is making a very good career of being just above mediocre
but being an anglofone and a well liked dude is his niche
Moto2 was really good too.

Haven’t watched moto3 yet.

Moto2 has been good all year. There is no dominant rider this year which has helped spiced up the series.

Moto3 I was cheering for the local guy.
maybe, or it's easier to be yourself in your native tongue.

Maybe... but then again, here is him cutting the rug on Indonesian TV, in English.


Whatever, I'm sure stuff like that probably doesn't even phase him as he definitely looks to be the only guy enjoying himself 90% of the during a race weekend. I think he said even after Argentina's polemics he was going out and partying like after every race anyway while the World lambasted and claimed he had 'ruined the sport.'

That's the kind of racer that used to exist in the 60-80s, leave everything on the track and then live it up like you may to die--as was often the case back then--on the next race weekend.
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