MotoGP 2015

Pedrosa is finally healthy enough to show the Honda camp that Marquez has lots to learn about being the man. I was never a fan of the angry dwarf, but his battle with 6? passes in 3 laps with Rossi is the stuff of legend.

those last three laps ...are why i watch motogp. hat off to pedrosa and rossi ...fantastic show.
I keep thinking that but yet Rossi has been leading the championship since race one (except for one round when they tied). Also next races are tracks where Rossi has done well.

JL is the fastest consistent rider right now but he has to have everything perfect, that to me is his down fault, Rossi and MM can ride around imperfections, he kind of falls apart

Thats why I love racing, you never know whats gonna happen on Sunday. yeah JL is on his game right now, but like you said all it takes is one little thing not align perfectly for him, and he falls apart and is shows in his riding and his sad face in the interviews after ...The last races I went into them thinking Rossi was going to fall behind miserably because of his times in practice and qualifying, but then it rains and everything changes.

These last few races are going to be nail bitters for sure, I hope they consist of some great battles and not just someone like JL or MM taking off in front and racing alone to the win...
Head games much? Anytime an athlete incurs an "injury", fake has to be a consideration. Remember his main rival is Rossi, Mr. Headgame.
...and came in 5th to boot.

I'm surprised to read that he was training with Pedrosa and the Espargaros. I've always assumed that Jorge tends to train on his own and not with other pro riders.
From what I read on Jorge, he wasn't so much training with the other guys as it was a Spanish riders event in Spain.
It's been confirmed Hayden is going in 2016 to Wsbk with Pata Honda Racing. Good for him there was no hope for him in motogp anymore.
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Yes that was awesome!! VDM is getting somehow better with that honda at the end of the season;-))
I'll be a Yamaha fan next season...not much with Guintoli
Speaking of Pata Honda, how about that pass that VDM put on Haslam in Race 2?

Was that the one where the passing rider went around the outside (THE OUTSIDE!!) on a right turn? It was pretty good.
Guintoli has the greatest English/French accent of all time. Love hearing him talk during podium interviews. That Honda was even more of a pos than the year before. Good to see Hayden coming to the series, someone needs to challenge Rea as he clearly has the 2015 riders in check. Alex Lowes on decent machinery will be up there as well.

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Was hoping he'd make the move to WSBK but sucks he's moving to another not competitive bike:( Rea was the only rider good enough to win on that bike.
Guintoli has the greatest English/French accent of all time. Love hearing him talk during podium interviews. That Honda was even more of a pos than the year before. Good to see Hayden coming to the series, someone needs to challenge Rea as he clearly has the 2015 riders in check. Alex Lowes on decent machinery will be up there as well.

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The only good think i can say about Guintoli is that he has a very beautiful wife!lol
Alex Lowes your english man could be up there but he crash too many times, hopefully the yamaha handle better then the
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