Moral dilema

im not really reading this thread....

I just want to know if you've blown the guy yet, and just ended this mess.

We men are easy to please. all it takes is a blowjob.
dinged the car ??? blowjob
broke something in the house?? blowjob
spent too much money on something?? blowjob

except for the really bad things, a blowjob fixes all.

Anal covers the rest.

( like burning dinner )

Spit or swallow?

1. dinged the car - better be swallow;
2. broke something in the house (if it's something of hers, spit; mine, swallow);
3. spent too much money on something (if it's sexy and it benefits me, spit is fine, otherwise swallow);
4. anal - as long as I'm "pitching", it is the answer to everything;
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