Moncton shootings

Surprised he didn't off himself.

Guy was unarmed when they got to him. Woulda been hard to justify shooting him.
Unless it was legitimately justified.. than whoever killed him would also be a murderer!?

The knee jerk reaction would be "I thought he was reaching for a weapon and I fired, eliminating the threat." The downside of that is that the sicko would go down in a blaze of glory to anyone who has similar aspirations. Better he set an example by rotting in jail.
Them arresting him without lighting him up like a July 1st fireworks display is actually how the system is supposed to work! Which is really terrible that we expect otherwise.

As a servant of the law, if you are able to capture the suspect whole then you do so as part of your job description and then the judicial apparatus passes sentence after a trial on the captured suspect which does not include capital punishment but rather life in prison, potentially forever if one got the "dangerous offender" tag.

We're not supposed to have Judge Dredd dispensing street level justice like in Onterrible where they lit up Sammy Yatim with cameras and witnesses watching for the crime of wielding a dangerous penis.
Funny, more people complain about the Tamils blocking traffic than this sicko gunning down people.

We live in a sick society and I am not talking about the gun man.
Funny, more people on this forum complain about the Tamils blocking traffic than this sicko gunning down people.

We live in a sick society and I am not talking about the gun man.

I meant that sarcastically. I'm surprised that's not what the cops collaborated and said happened.

Years ago there was a wicked shootout in L.A. As the dust settled one of the perps was wounded lying on the street. EMS wanted to do first aid but the cops said it wasn't safe and kept them away. When the guy croaked they OKed the EMS. Saved a bunch of trial and prison money and ensured public safety. Hmmmm
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