Min wage increase

^The result of thinking in defined boundaries while 65% of the worlds open defecation takes place in rural India. Start shovelling.
So you don't want market competition for talent then?

You don't think highly qualified people would apply to do the job if it was say 200k instead of 400k+, or 400k instead of 800k 1 million instead of 10 million pick your ludicrous figure? There's a point at which you reach diminishing returns pretty quickly.
You don't think highly qualified people would apply to do the job if it was say 200k instead of 400k+, or 400k instead of 800k 1 million instead of 10 million pick your ludicrous figure? There's a point at which you reach diminishing returns pretty quickly.

As mentioned previously if you have multiple qualified applicants for any position the pay might be too high. It's good business to keep pay reasonable. Reasonable being a gray area for some and kryptonite to others. Do bears **** in the woods? What about Indian bears?
You don't think highly qualified people would apply to do the job if it was say 200k instead of 400k+, or 400k instead of 800k 1 million instead of 10 million pick your ludicrous figure? There's a point at which you reach diminishing returns pretty quickly.
Why would they willingly apply for a lower paying job?
No such a thing as too high. Needs higher. Just ask the guy who invented the stool and then the crapper in that order. Never seen him flush money down the toilet.
Lower relatively? It would still be a very high salary, just not astronomically high.
But why would an individual intentionally seek out a lower paying job? That's absurd.

Companies X Y and Z are offering me $4M, company A offers 1M? Unless company A also has free hookers and cocaine in the board room, why the hell would I even apply there?
But why would an individual intentionally seek out a lower paying job? That's absurd.

Companies X Y and Z are offering me $4M, company A offers 1M? Unless company A also has free hookers and cocaine in the board room, why the hell would I even apply there?

This would look remarkable jotted in Crayola SuperTips.
But inreb it's just not FAIR man

How else will old entitled men who became nothing EARN WHATS THEIRS?
Why should anyone dictate how private business operate and how they pay anyone in the company? Who is supposed to regulate this, the government? Laughable. No one is being forced into slave labour here, if you have an issue with the job you are free to quit and find something else if it is soooooo unfair. How much should the small business folks make, the owners who work 6 or 7 days a week to keep work coming in for their employees who clock out at 5 and enjoy their evening not having to worry about where the work comes from.

I am sure the government taking control will instantly make things better though, I mean they are so good at managing themselves they must know what is best for the people.
. How much should the small business folks make, the owners who work 6 or 7 days a week to keep work coming in for their employees who clock out at 5 and enjoy their evening not having to worry about where the work comes from.

Clearly they should be paid less which is why our almightly libtard gubment will be forcing them to pay their minimum wage staff more.
So nearly half of his thread is now ceo dick sucking and the argument against it. Can a mod please split it? call he offshoot 'reverse supply & demand' or something clever like that..

This is supposed to be about the commun... oops liberal government destroying the economy even further.

(as an aside)... The CEO of my company took the State of Alabama pension fund for a ride to the tune of $700M. After about a year being suck down in 'Bama on bail, he ended up paying $22m in fines or restitution I forget, either way $22M total price tag for freedom after screwing working folks out of $700M. Google Greg Aziz and National Alabama. Just sayin.
Why should anyone dictate how private business operate and how they pay anyone in the company? Who is supposed to regulate this, the government? Laughable. No one is being forced into slave labour here, if you have an issue with the job you are free to quit and find something else if it is soooooo unfair. How much should the small business folks make, the owners who work 6 or 7 days a week to keep work coming in for their employees who clock out at 5 and enjoy their evening not having to worry about where the work comes from.

Finally a great comment on this thread that isn't full of stupidity or sarcasm.
So the solution is to blindly do stuff and hope it all works out in the end?

It's not like this hasn't been done in the end. And it's not like every time they do it the sky falls. It's all about tradeoffs. At this point, we have decided that the cost of living in Ontario vs the minimum wage were at a critical point vs the risk of closing down marginal businesses. Quite frankly, if your company can't afford to pay a living wage I would prefer you to go to Mexico, or China, or Bangladesh. It's probably where you belong. As for the fast food outfits, they'll just raise prices, but so what? Most people could lose a few pounds anyway.
Finally a great comment on this thread that isn't full of stupidity or sarcasm.
I think many of my comments match that description, but yes, a well written post that I agree with as well.

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Why should anyone dictate how private business operate and how they pay anyone in the company?

Doing business here is not a right, it is a privilege. A business comes here because they know they can make money, and there's lots of money in Ontario. Why should we let you do business here? Well, because in return we expect to get jobs and tax money. If you can't pay both, you're no good to us and we don't want you here.

Who is supposed to regulate this, the government? Laughable.

The federal and provincial governments have been regulating business in this country since 1867 and before. If you think that's laughable, go set up business in Brazil, or China, or Mexico and see if you can make it work better. But don't expect to sell your products here without paying a hefty tax. We're not giving anyone a free-ride to make money in our economy.

No one is being forced into slave labour here, if you have an issue with the job you are free to quit and find something else if it is soooooo unfair.

At least you're admitting that minimum wage is defacto slave labour. In recent years they call them the "working poor". I think I said this before: if your business is too marginal to pay a living wage we don't want you here. Get out. Go to a third-world country where you belong. We don't want you competing against good companies here that pay a decent wage. We're not going to have a transient work force so you can operate an exploitive sweat shop.

How much should the small business folks make, the owners who work 6 or 7 days a week to keep work coming in for their employees who clock out at 5 and enjoy their evening not having to worry about where the work comes from.

Cry me a river. I used to own a business myself. I know several people who own businesses and I've never seen them put in those kind of hours. One guy I know works maybe 3 hours a day and makes $3million a year. He pays his workers well. If you have to work 7 days a week and rip your workers off on wages and benefits, get into another business, but don't expect to be able to exploit stupid people as slaves. I'll tell ya, the only people I've ever seen putting in 12 hour days are the employees.

I am sure the government taking control will instantly make things better though, I mean they are so good at managing themselves they must know what is best for the people.

LOL. Every time the government gets into labour legislation business groups cry Communism. Well let me tell you, labour law is there to protect companies. They were developed to control the unions. If there was no Ministry of Labour, there would be protection rackets called unions. We can go back to the days when factory owners were dragged out of their homes and 4am and beaten bloody in front of their families if you like. Or, we can have a reasonable labour law that keeps the peace.

Canada is one of the best countries in the world to do business in. Ontario is about the best province in Canada to operate that business because this is where the money is. If you don't understand that, leave.
That was like a gym locker room tirade this dude just went on lol
Canada? One of the best places to do business? Maybe it's apparently one of the best places to buy crack if the stuff you're into is any example.
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