Milton Riders

Hi Mike set up a time for a meetup at derry and bronte for a ride beforehand and I am in then head to champs
Can't play tonight... Too much work to do. I'll be out tomorrow night though for the Wednesday meet though. at the Tim's spot for 6:30pm.

We'll do a quick run and end it back at Champs.

See you all soon...

I'm not going to Champs but I will be at derry and bronte TH's at 8.00pm to go for a ride around Milton if anyone is interested. Mike/Bandit, if I see you guys there great, if not, let me know if any rides are happening this weekend. Bandit, I should be able to make some of your Friday night rides in August.

See you when I see you bud...hopefully I can set up a ride this weekend...I will send a PM....
Ride is cancelled.

Looking like crap outside and the weathernetwork calling for rain.

I'm up to meet at champs if anyone is interested....let me know and I'll take the cager....
you guys made me jealous so I also took the day off fri........ so where and when we meet or wait till sat better weather or hell do both days one niagra tomm and wasaga thingy sat
you guys made me jealous so I also took the day off fri........ so where and when we meet or wait till sat better weather or hell do both days one niagra tomm and wasaga thingy sat

I'll do the early run on Saturday for sure....tomorrow I'll play it by ear since it still calls for thundershowers...if you guys do head out Friday let me know...

As discussed last night for Saturday the earlier the better...
Let's head to Wasaga Friday - 40% chance of rain... 1mm over a 24hr period is nothing!
I didn't get the forecast from Cobra's radar so we're all good!
Let's head to Wasaga Friday - 40% chance of rain... 1mm over a 24hr period is nothing!
I didn't get the forecast from Cobra's radar so we're all good!

I got things to do in the am...king cobra mentioned you guys are heading out early...if you guys are back sometime in the pm and up for a ride still ill hook up with you guys...

Ride safe...

Still planning a ride for Saturday....
Let's head to Wasaga Friday - 40% chance of rain... 1mm over a 24hr period is nothing!
I didn't get the forecast from Cobra's radar so we're all good!

Easy grasshopper, I am ok as good as the data I am provided...bandit, what's your knee telling you..blaaaa
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