I should be able to make it!
I Won't know until Monday night. But I think I can be there for 7:15-7:30.
I should be able to make it!
Awesome hope to see you there!I Won't know until Monday night. But I think I can be there for 7:15-7:30.
OK guys,
Tomorrow is Tuesday (just incase you didn't know) which is wing night at the Fire Hall
We will meet at the Tims at Derry and Bronte St (usual meeting spot) for 6:30. If the weather is cooperative we can ride, if not just bring your cage.
If you can't make it there at 6:30 just come to the fire hall.
Lakeshore and Bronte Rd in Oakville (if you go south on 25 from Milton it turns into Bronte Rd, go all the way down to lakeshore and the Fire Hall will be on your Left.)
So far we have-
dash8 +2
kobe - maybe
if you are going to come please let me know so I can order a table for enough people my cell is 416-910-6986.
Hope to see you all there
Thanks for organizing tonight Geoff! Great company, great food, great ride! Good seeing you again Kobe and nice meeting you Roxanne.
Here's that link I told you about Geoff
I will be leading taking over Recce for now since he will be away till July...I actually miss the ba$Tard...lol...NO HOMO...
Respect. Lol.
So don't like the fact this thread is so far down,time to bump it to the top.DARAZCAL where are you? better get back soon.Good temps are coming next week so ride we will.
What up gangsters? Why no rides?
hey Recce hope you're doing well? work keeping ya busy eh.No rides Darazcal has been away and cause weather has been sheeite the last week or so its been cold windy but things look to improve for mid next week so we will put something together right Darazcal "Nudge nudge"
Yeah for sure...next weekend supposed to be nice so I will set a quick ride preferrably early in the morning...i'll post for sure...
Awesome, I'm in. Ill keep a eye on the thread for details..
Maybe we could do another wing night next tuesday at the fire hall if its nice out. And possibly get some more ppl out.
Yeah for sure...next weekend supposed to be nice so I will set a quick ride preferrably early in the morning...i'll post for sure...