Mesh Jackets - how well do they work?

It's like a cedar strip canoe. The person buying it is shocked at how much it costs and the person making it is normally making substantially less than minimum wage for something that requires skill. If you charged properly for your time, a cedar strip canoe would be the price of a car. If you built a shark suit out of Ti, probably similar pricing. (I checked, stainless mesh suit is 7500 USD, Ti is 25,000 USD).
1591385489604.jpeg mine was 800 with 2 cherry paddles at an estate auction
some professor from Queens University built it :cool: I enjoy it in his honour.
They are truly a work of art. And glide beautifully thru cottage water.
But I'll take a Kevlar canoe for tripping thanks.
My wife is not entirely happy with my choices in watercraft. Normally they are beautiful to use but fragile. She doesn't like to steer so that means she is team human shield. When the water gets shallow, it is her job to get out and protect the boat. She prefers terrible plastic kayaks that are invincible but not a lot more fun to paddle than a floating dock.
Is Technic still in business? I'm still wearing their mesh jacket in the heat. Elbow armour, possible back pad (I wear a b/p).
Yesterday, I was at rider's choice buying mesh pants. Took them for a 250km test ride. What a f'n difference compared to "riding jeans". Highly recommend.
Tried olympia on at royal. Fit was wrong for me. A stars seem 4 season. Dainese ftw.
Nope, they closed iirc.
With this hot weather I am looking for options to ride safe but not overheat. I will be honest on days like today I will just stow the jacket and ride in a T-shirt.
But I do want to ride safer. I was considering a vest with a back protector, and also mesh 2-1 jackets. I was able to try on a couple at GP bikes but it still felt like a textile jacket. I didn't get very far as the power went out and had to leave.

I have been looking at Olympia Dallas, and Bradley and a Joe Rocket jackets, leaning more to 2-1 rain/wind all have protection (back/shoulders/elbow)

Just need to better understand how effective they are at keeping you cool.

I picked up the Olympia Dallas jacket in grey at the beginning of last season. I highly recommend it. Very comfortable on hot days like today. Only minor issue I found with it was the velcro on the neck closure. It tended to rub/irritate my skin and left a red mark on my neck. Easy fix...I just close the flap over on itself instead of straight across my neck.

For rain, I carry a separate oversize windbreaker/raincoat.


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I picked up the Olympia Dallas jacket in grey at the beginning of last season. I highly recommend it. Very comfortable on hot days like today. Only minor issue I found with it was the velcro on the neck closure. It tended to rub/irritate my skin and left a red mark on my neck. Easy fix...I just close the flap over on itself instead of straight across my neck.

For rain, I carry a separate oversize windbreaker/raincoat.
Thanks Robbo, I think it was you who put this bug in my head since last year, and how I knew about the Dallas.
I was mulling over the rain option as well, I do have a poncho I can use when it pours. ?
Well lets see how my return trip to GP goes and what is available so I can walk out with something next week.
Perforated leather. My bike get's ****** off before I do at lights.
Mesh is good. Purchased my Olympia Airglide jacket and pants after riding in Ohio in 37 degree temps + humidity for 10 - 12 hours a day, which was very unpleasant. Mesh can still be hot in extreme temps when you are in heavy and slow traffic and when riding through small towns etc... At sideroad and highway speeds mesh is always good. Olympia jacket comes with a liner and a rain jacket and I typically use these May through early October. At beginning and end of season I use a standard JR jacket and pants.
She prefers terrible plastic kayaks that are invincible but not a lot more fun to paddle than a floating dock.

My friend use to make fun of our buddy next door when he got into kayaking. Then he went out and bought one himself. Went over and he had it hanging from the rafters in his garage. Looked at it, then turned to him.........

"How much?"


"That's a lot of money for a gas can."

Just watch it with the textile dainese has some mesh vents in the centre and i got caught once on the way to bueno.
When it comes to rain I haven't found a great way to deal with it. Either I get soaked because I am out on the road and flash rain happens, or I try an prepare for it and not much happens. Bah! ?‍♂️
When it comes to rain I haven't found a great way to deal with it. Either I get soaked because I am out on the road and flash rain happens, or I try an prepare for it and not much happens. Bah! ?‍♂️

Doesn’t help those situations but for the sake of those interested... I have an a* drystar touring jacket and it keeps me dry even in torrential downpour. My pants, don’t recall brand atm, not so much

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When it comes to rain I haven't found a great way to deal with it. Either I get soaked because I am out on the road and flash rain happens, or I try an prepare for it and not much happens. Bah! ?‍♂️
there's some legit textile stuff, as for something to throw over a mesh or something someone else would have to offer up a good alternative.
I wear my mesh jacket 90% of the time, between now and the end of August. The air flows through it but I still feel totally protected.
there's some legit textile stuff, as for something to throw over a mesh or something someone else would have to offer up a good alternative.
Check what you're given for your teaching gig.

Scott seems nice so far. The bright yellow does discolour after a while. The Airglide rain insert also goes over, and works.
Check what you're given for your teaching gig.

Scott seems nice so far. The bright yellow does discolour after a while. The Airglide rain insert also goes over, and works.
i'm afraid. :cautious:

im about to post my leather jacket up for sale, maybe i should keep it!
I have an Olympia jacket very similar to the Dallas and have neen using it for about 10 years. If you are looking for something with mild protection then it's a good middle ground at a very reasonable price. They also look pretty decent when off the bike. I use this as my dirty work jacket.

I also have a Motoport Kevlar Air Mesh and asides from looking a little frumpy, it is my go to jacket for any serious riding. The materials and construction is far superior to Olympia and the armour is excellent. The price points for these are about 3-4x the Olympia however.

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