Mayan apocalypse!

This thread will be interesting to read on Dec 22nd. See all the tinfoil-hatters try to rationalize why we're all still here Harold-Camping-style...


It'll be like y2k.. First it'll be about being off by a year and the end of the world coming in 2013... And then there will be a new end of the world prophecy :cool:
This thread will be interesting to read on Dec 22nd. See all the tinfoil-hatters try to rationalize why we're all still here Harold-Camping-style...


Then they'll say wait for Dec. 23rd because that's when the Mayan Calendar really ends according to some experts. Mind you, these same experts don't believe the Mayans were predicting the end of the world either. It's actually funny that this whole thing has become such a big deal that NASA decided to gather some of its best scientist to basically debunk this. Guess the boys in Washington had some spare time.

thats when the era of the living ends and zombie apocalypse statrs?
I think GTAM should have it's own calendar and then have it end, say next year. Must be some good $$$ in this somewhere.

I'd say we have more credibility than some extinct race of naked people that got wiped out by Spaniards.
I'm looking forward to 2112.

Wait, I need to get a few more crates of 7.62x39 and a few more boxes of .22LR :cool:

you're gonna fight off zombies with .22?

wouldn't wanna be in your house when this goes down, everyone knows 12 gauge or .223 minimum for zombie apocalypse!
you're gonna fight off zombies with .22?

wouldn't wanna be in your house when this goes down, everyone knows 12 gauge or .223 minimum for zombie apocalypse!

Last time he was arguing how abundant they are, lol.
I'll take a 12 gauge & a katana sword thx

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you're gonna fight off zombies with .22?

wouldn't wanna be in your house when this goes down, everyone knows 12 gauge or .223 minimum for zombie apocalypse!

A few points..

1) A larger caliber isn't gonna stop a zombie - those scenes in movies where the guy flies back 20yds because he got hit with .45ACP are just that - movies - irl a hit with any non-artillery caliber wouldn't move the victim 20-thou

2) A .22lr in the brain will kill a zombie just as dead as a .50BMG in the brain

3) .22lr is a lot lighter so I can stash more rounds and carry them around than the other poodle-shooting caliber of choice - .223

4) .22lr is quieter so less likely to attract a horde

5) Still got plenty of 7.62x39 for protection from fellow-humans :cool:

6) .22lr has zero recoil, which makes for faster followup shots
If Justin Beiber got murdered then I think there is hope for Human Kind.
If Justin Beiber got murdered then I think there is hope for Human Kind.

LOL, I can just picture it now. Its the night of December 20th, everyone is watching the clock holding their breath. All the sudden with 30 seconds to go until midnight a portal opens and a ancient Myan steps out and stabs Beiber through the heart and kills him instantly. Turns and says "everything is now going to be OK", steps back into the portal and disappears forever.

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