Massive internet outage Jul 8 2022

The wife and I have this on-going discussion about cable tv, internet, etc.

I cut the cord from Bell a while ago and we have: for home internet
IPTV which frustrates her at times as it’s not perfect.
Prime Video
Tablo OTA Network Tuner/PVR with rooftop antenna

Managing it can be a handful.

One day in frustration, she threw the remote control towards me. I asked her what would you do if I was dead. She said “Call Rogers…it’s the first call I’ll make.”

Since then, when she gets frustrated with anything at all, I throw “better call Rogers” into the conversation and we have a good laugh.

It’s even funnier today.

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Just got a text and was able to make a call...looks like we're back in business...only took 17 hours...wonder how much of a rebate we'll get LMAO
We’re still out here in Mississauga. Thank goodness I have Koodo for the phones at least.
Just came alive in Markham. Cell and internet on line at 11pm.
And Rogers wants to take over Shaw Communications? Shouldn't they perhaps get their own house in order first? Hope someone at the Competition Bureau & the CRTC is paying attention (probably not though :().
And Rogers wants to take over Shaw Communications? Shouldn't they perhaps get their own house in order first? Hope someone at the Competition Bureau & the CRTC is paying attention (probably not though :().

Only thing those clowns pay attention to, is the money the big 3 slip them under the table, I'm sure of it.
Internet is up and running this morning. Now I've good chit to do....
This is a glaring example of why we need more competition and decentralization (IE, less monopolies) here in Canada. Having the country 50% crippled (I'd bet the financial losses yesterday totalled in the many billions across the country) because ONE internet provider had their second major failure inside the last few years, well, that's unacceptable.

And there seems to be a lot of companies out there as well that also need a lesson in how having a SPOF (Single Point Of Failure) - I'm looking at YOU, Interac..... absolutely unacceptable given virtually 100% of the country depends on this network for payment processing many times every single day. Even the CRTC (of all things!) put out a tweet yesterday that they were completely offline because of this. That's not a good image for Rogers. Things like ArriveCan were knocked offline leading to nightmares at the border I understand as well. We tried to go out for dinner last night, one Sushi place had completely closed their doors and locked up because they couldn't process any cards at all and their phones were down. Another was cash-only, and the nearest ATM was apparently empty. We eventually went to an East Side Marios who had zero ability to process plastic but we found a TD ATM and got cash at least. Had to get gas in one of the cars, no interac but at least my Amex worked.

We are all on Freedom Mobile for our cells which were working fine, but were really slow as I know a lot of people were relying on the cell networks for basically everything, including tethering their work computers, etc. But it was working at least. Home internet is Bell fibre optic and it was blazing as always. I hate Bell, but their fibre is hard to beat if you have it in your neighbourhood.

Anyhow, I really hope there is a government investigation at some level this time around. The fact this has happened twice now, and the fact this time around it basically crippled a massive swath of the ENTIRE COUNTRY (FFS!) both functionally and financially is simply insane.

And imagine, Rogers is trying to buy Shaw right now which would have included Freedom Mobile had it been allowed instead of squashed - and we too would have been disconnected.

If this doesn't scream to everyone from the treetops that monopolies are bad and that we need more competition in this country, nothing will.

Edit: Glad I was off work yesterday, we're pretty much 100% Rogers - I'm sure it was a total and complete clusterfark.
Cloudflare is saying that the failure of the Rogers BGP mechanism (think of it as a giant router) is a possible cause of the outage.

Do they not have redundancy and automatic failover?

This feels like a attack rather than a failure. BGP hijacking has happened before and looking at the CloudFlare findings so far, it seems possible that this is the case.

The internet is built on cooperation between various autonomous systems (AS), think of them as individual countries. The border gateway protocol (BGP) is a way for those countries to advertise which regions of the internet belong to them, and how to get there. It can happen that a member in this arrangement (there are hundreds of thousands of them) has gone rogue. Since all of this is based on implied trust, if a member starts to advertise that it has a better path to the region you're looking for, all traffic would be directed to it. This can cause a chunk of the internet, like the chunk owned by Rogers, to become inaccessible. Any access attempts to the Rogers network would be redirected to the malicious entity, and any access attempts out from the Rogers network would have their responses redirected there as well.

Like an overprotective partner they speak on your behalf, and answer on your behalf.
Anyhow, I really hope there is a government investigation at some level this time around. The fact this has happened twice now, and the fact this time around it basically crippled a massive swath of the ENTIRE COUNTRY (FFS!) both functionally and financially is simply insane.
Wishful thinking.
Even if there is any sort of investigation they will be cleared of any wrong doing.

Sort of like the cops being cleared of their hit and run.

Verdict will be that it was out of their control or justifiable.
Even if there is any sort of investigation they will be cleared of any wrong doing.

I don't know....the aura around things this time is very different.

And the CRTC, for a refreshing change, hasn't exactly been a super-duper best-buddy to the Big 3 (especially Rogers) in the last few years.
I don't know....the aura around things this time is very different.

And the CRTC, for a refreshing change, hasn't exactly been a super-duper best-buddy to the Big 3 (especially Rogers) in the last few years.

The fact they shot down the Verizon request to join the market shows how far in the big 3 pocket they are. After that I have zero faith in them ever doing anything for the Canadian consumer.
The fact they shot down the Verizon request to join the market shows how far in the big 3 pocket they are.

That was 2013. A lot has changed since then. Long ago the CRTC was rubber stamping things like Rogers taking over Microcell and all that sort of ****, and keeping US competition out (the Verizon thing, and AT&T was sniffing around as well), but one only need look at a lot of the decisions in the last 5 years to see that things are a LOT different.

Hell, Rogers is fuming mad (to the point where they almost basically declared after their proposal to buy Shaw and Freedom was banned) that they were going to ignore the decision and do it anyways before they were reminded they'd be breaking the law. There was some pretty hilarious freak-outs going on over this whole situation when you read deep into things.

There has been a lot of things that have happened in the last 5 years from the CRTC that the Big3 are not happy with. They're nowhere near the level of buddy-buddy they were 10 years ago now. Not even close.
I don't trust the current government to fix things for the better.

They'll waste lots of money changing small stuff, making it slightly worse, and then say that they are the only ones who can be trusted to fix it.
Wishful thinking.
Even if there is any sort of investigation they will be cleared of any wrong doing.

Sort of like the cops being cleared of their hit and run.

Verdict will be that it was out of their control or justifiable.
Exactly. Our gov are basically useless. They will shrug this off and go back to status quo. As long as deals are being made and friends getting rich, the rest of us will just have to go along with it.
Either way I doubt anything will be done.
But I kinda expect something like this will happen again.
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