Maple/Vaughan Weekly Meets

Is anyone planning on going out to shopsys tonight?

I will try to make it.... I have to go dowtown after work to pick up a 2up helmet. If I am back in time I will be up for a ride with the destination being shoppsy's. I will swing by the normal meet spot (ruth. and weston) around 7pm if I can make it.

Just don't wait up for me as it looks 50/50 right now.

working late... then i have to study and start/finish an assignment for tomorrow LOL
Cottage Country Loop on Sunday.

I am planning on doing a bit of loop up north to hit some twisties and seeing if anybody would be interested in joining.

Sunday morning, meet at 9am, depart by 9:30am - Tim's at rutherford and weston.

I can PM the planned route, but it will include Washago, Gravenhurst, Bala and home - as always open to cool places to stop, eat, ride, etc. Lots of twisties with some challanging bits thrown in for fun. Most roads have been ventured before, but connecting them all will be a first for me so this is a bit of an adventure. Responsible group riding is a must and +20max on all the majors......the twities = toe draggin fun.

Post up or drop a pm if interested.
I was thinking of heading to the falls but might join you instead. Will let you know by Saturday.
Anyone going to Boston Pizza tonight?
I would love to go to boston pizza tonight but i dont have my bike :( its at the shop getting the pipe put on !!!!!:evil:
Lol Its a toss up for me between this ride and a ride to Cayuga to the motorcycle event they have there this weekend.
Lol Its a toss up for me between this ride and a ride to Cayuga to the motorcycle event they have there this weekend.

Lets see...... ride around some good roads and have fun....or.....stand around watching others having fun on their bikes...:rolleyes:

Either way it is going to be a nice day to ride...(or walk around) snarf,snarf.
Slight change for Sun, Meet at 9:30, ride out by 10am.

Still at Tim's at Rutherford and Weston

Lunch somewhere on Muskoka St. in Gravenhurst

Post up if comming.

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The Route looks good man a nice 400 km ride.

I just got my full exhaust put on too and it sounds kick *** with a lil more kick too.:cool::D
I'll come only if you promise to ride my pace - sooolooww!
Should be ready to ride beginning next week. Bike is being fixed at Kahuna.

In the meantime be careful on those back roads.

My friend's cousin had a big accident on a country road in Welland. A big *** raccoon crossed the road at the last moment and he swerved to avoid it. He dumped his cruiser and he's in the hospital in bad shape. Will be off work for one year.Also the stupid popo charged him under HTA.

He was only going 80km/hr but wasn't wearing any gear. You know those cruiser guys- they wear those little leather jackets with no armour, jeans, and no riding boots.

Ride safe guys.
Should be ready to ride beginning next week. Bike is being fixed at Kahuna.

In the meantime be careful on those back roads.

My friend's cousin had a big accident on a country road in Welland. A big *** raccoon crossed the road at the last moment and he swerved to avoid it. He dumped his cruiser and he's in the hospital in bad shape. Will be off work for one year.Also the stupid popo charged him under HTA.

He was only going 80km/hr but wasn't wearing any gear. You know those cruiser guys- they wear those little leather jackets with no armour, jeans, and no riding boots.

Ride safe guys.

sorry to hear about your bike, and hope your cousin heals fast and hopefully everything turns out well in court, popo should of charged the stupid *** raccoon....
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