Maple/Vaughan Weekly Meets

Sorry guys i got a viewing tonite....

June 5 i will shot for..

Try and make it for Thurs. June 5 for run to Boston Pizza. I have to do some sweet talking as I told a cute young lady I would see her Thurs. night.

See you guys Thurs.
Theneedforspeed and jtrac600:

Nice run to the Forks tonight.

Did you see that gixxer get pulled over by OPP on #410 coming home. He must have been doing at least 160Kmph. I think they grabbed his bike.

See you guys Thurs. night.

Where and when are we meeting Thursday night for a run to Boston Pizza????
sorry guys, i havent logged in for the last few days, but i am back, thursday run should be good, i got few things to do ... but they can wait.

- Kons

edit: i see a lot of people on the " coming " list, i hope they have enough room there. or else, i'd just go riding instead of waiting.
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Just checked the weather, looks like rain tomorrow and T-Storm. Lets see how the weather plays out.
If it clears we can meet at Tim's Jane and Major Mac for 6:30 PM. If it rains I'm out my helmet is leaking and I have not had time to fix it, not a big fan of getting my hair wet. LOL
LMF: Ya I saw that guy...too bad. I flew by him on one wheel........I kid I kid.

And ya if the weather is crap I'm going to be skipping on the boston meet. If its good I can meet at the tims. I'm writing my last exam at 2 tomorrow so I should be out by latest 5.
Let's see how the weather is Thurs late afternoon and we'll take it from there.
Just got home and drove throught some rain. I'm out for tonight, weather sucks.
Sorry guys.
It just stopped raining here in Woodbridge but Env. Canada says showers tonight ending overnight.

I guess I'm out too.

I'll post something for week-end if weather cooperates.

Any of you guys going to the ride up north leaving from Bass at Vaughan Mills at 10:00 this (Sat.) morning??? I saw some of you- Matt,Ssuzuki,cop magnet- post on the thread during the week but curious to know who is actually going.

Weather should be fine for later this morning. I know its supposed to be a 125/250 ride but I think half the riders are 600/750!!

I think I will tag along. Who else from our crew will be there??????
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