Maple/Vaughan Weekly Meets

i'd go but in such large groups you dont have much room to move or play if opportunity is there. my favourite is when a few guys get together and ride together as a group, knowing each other and when everyone is following set rules ( whatever they are, for that particular ride ). when 1200 people ride its impossible to stay together and you dont know them all so you cant predict what the guy in front of you is going to do, and usually everyone plays goody two shoes when it comes to riding, which could possibly make it boring.

just my .02

but i'd love to go ride with you guys another time for sure.

- Kons

There is a variety of bikes there including quite a few sportbikes. I'm not sure of the exact route of this year's ride though I'm sure there are some twisties. I remember from two years ago it was a mixture of all types of roads though no highways.

The route that we took last week was part of the BAD ride fron two years ago though I have no idea of the exact route of this years ride other than it is through Halton Region.

Try it- you'll like it.

i'm going out riding around 11pm sun night, anyone wants to join ? pm me and i will respond at 11 before i head out for a short ride.

- Kons

I missed ur post. Its 1:00 pm. and just walked in after riding this am. and doing some errands.

I will post something for a ride one nite this week.

going riding for 1pm if anyones interested. Probably going to meet at yorkdale cause theres some other ppl there. lmk if anyone wants to come out.
Great weather today Monday. Lets do a ride tonight. Meet at Tim Hortons, Rutherford and Weston, 7:00 p.m. Monday June 2nd. Quicker pace than last time. Hope to see all the usual suspects.

Great weather today Monday. Lets do a ride tonight. Meet at Tim Hortons, Rutherford and Weston, 7:00 p.m. Monday June 2nd. Quicker pace than last time. Hope to see all the usual suspects.


How many ppl likely to show for this? And whats the probable route? post or pm me
How many ppl likely to show for this? And whats the probable route? post or pm me

Last time we had about 6 people. Probably go to Caledon, Hockley or whatever we feel like. Will decide when everyone shows up.
Lets do the forks this TIME!!!!

P.S. Im down for the ride to boston. I have to right an exam but hopefully I'll get out early. We'll see though. Its supposed to be a 3 hr exam and I start at 4:30.
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i will come tonite.. where we gonna meet. rutherford and majormack or somewhere else. will be there for 7 if you guys can wait.
Meet at Tim Hortons Rutherford/Weston at 7 p.m. We will wait for jtrac600.

We will ride wherever you guys want.

Where's ssuzuki, konstantine, HiBusa??

Hope you guys make it tonight.
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