That is not the definition, stop making stuff up. The criminal code clearly states that First degree murder is an act that is planned and deliberate. No where does it define the length or breath of the planning nor does it define premeditation. Stop adding your own interpretation of the law.
The example I proposed was a simple one the guy tells one of his riding buddies that if he gets chased by cops while this chic is on the back he is booting her off (Planning) he gets chased and shoves her off ( deliberate act). Two of the factors that are needed for First Degree murder as laid out in the act are fullfilled.
The intent of the law has been explained to you. In court it's the intent of the law that matters. You are playing with semantics. No body is adding their own spin on the law that you are having so much trouble understanding. I guess the whole court system has been misled and you got it all figured out.