Manslaughter for Passenger Fatality..

Up in Sudbury, a d@#chebag was just sentenced to 7 years, after being convicted of killing 3 teenage pedestrians while driving drunk.
I have lost faith in our justice system ( and I have a BA in Law ! ). If you're driving 50 km/h over the limit on a deserted superhighway miles from nowwhere, you are a hardened criminal; but for cases like this thread and the one above, the court system falls all over itself to give the "accused" every concevable break.
I hope the conclusion to this case can restore some faith that the system, and the people in it like Turbo are not just tax collectors.
If this clown has in fact gotten a lawyer then its going to be a tough case for the crown to win. I hope that he gets nailed to the wall but knowing our justice system, im not all that optimistitic.

Guess they went with manslaughter because that will stick regardless of weither or not he had intent to flee from police.

It most likely will be pleaded down, Crown may withold bail on the premises he is a flight risk and then he will serve 1-2 years max in a provincial jail and thats it, done.
I have to confess I didn't think they were going to catch someone, but I admittedly forgot about the electronic paper trail one can leave these days.
Life sentence for manslaughter (unintentional homicide) where people get less than that for actual murder. Maybe they should bring back the death penalty.
I have to confess I didn't think they were going to catch someone, but I admittedly forgot about the electronic paper trail one can leave these days.

I too was doubting that they will catch the guy. I do hope they got the right guy and the LE and prosecutors dont mess up the case build against this guy. He deserves no less than the full force of the legal hammer.
Life sentence for manslaughter (unintentional homicide) where people get less than that for actual murder. Maybe they should bring back the death penalty.

The automatic sentence for either second or first degree murder is life. The only thing that's variable is parole eligibility. Even when released out of prison on parole, the parolee is still under supervision of Corrections Canada for the rest of their life, complete with reporting duties, restrictions on where they can live and who they associate with, and even restrictions of specific activities in certain cases. They may be out, but they're not free by along shot.
It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Either way I just hope they don't judge the entire riding community because of this moron. I don't see this any different from a car driver who kills a pedestrian and drives off yet I guess it will get much more attention because he was on a bike and the media will play it up. We all lose in the end. Lets hope for rational thought in the mind of the public and lawmakers and justice in the thoughts of the jury or judge.
but wait... i thought it was the cop's fault? I'm glad they caught him. I wonder if the media will stick with the coverage so we can find out what happens next.

Interesting point. I'd be interested to know the cause of death although I did read decapitation and dismemberment did occur BUT if the fall and taking off didn't kill the passenger but the following police car ran over the fallen rider (as has been surmised)...well, you can see where I'm taking this when you break this down into the components - the driver of the car killed her although it was unintentional. Yes, it's good he was caught but I'm not certain manslaughter will stick if the cause of death was not the fall but was the main contributing factor. It could be argued the police (if it was a police car that ran her over) was not in control of his vehicle.

I don't think this is very cut and dry at all.
Interesting point. I'd be interested to know the cause of death although I did read decapitation and dismemberment did occur BUT if the fall and taking off didn't kill the passenger but the following police car ran over the fallen rider (as has been surmised)...well, you can see where I'm taking this when you break this down into the components - the driver of the car killed her although it was unintentional. Yes, it's good he was caught but I'm not certain manslaughter will stick if the cause of death was not the fall but was the main contributing factor. It could be argued the police (if it was a police car that ran her over) was not in control of his vehicle.

I don't think this is very cut and dry at all.

You need to give your head a shake......or a swift blow with a hammer.

If you push someone in front of a bus is the bus driver at fault for the collision?

As far as the police officer not being in control of the vehicle, there is a reason pedestrians are not not allowed on highways.
You need to give your head a shake......or a swift blow with a hammer.

If you push someone in front of a bus is the bus driver at fault for the collision?

As far as the police officer not being in control of the vehicle, there is a reason pedestrians are not not allowed on highways.

You seem to have info available that is not yet in the public domain. I didn't know there was a high speed pursuit at the time which makes your comment valid. I was under the impression the bike was going at a slow speed (maybe even pulling over?) and then the guy pinned it. Low speed launches are more plausible than a high speed launch in spilling a passenger.

Swift blow with a hammer? Typical erudite reply as expected from some members of this board. It has to be personal.:confused1:

I'm not going to get into a debate as this is before the SIU and they will have to make a determination - I just gave my two cents. I'm done.
You seem to have info available that is not yet in the public domain. I didn't know there was a high speed pursuit at the time which makes your comment valid. I was under the impression the bike was going at a slow speed (maybe even pulling over?) and then the guy pinned it. Low speed launches are more plausible than a high speed launch in spilling a passenger.

Swift blow with a hammer? Typical erudite reply as expected from some members of this board. It has to be personal.:confused1:

I'm not going to get into a debate as this is before the SIU and they will have to make a determination - I just gave my two cents. I'm done.

Where did you come up with the idea the bike was traveling slowly?

The passenger was struck by many vehicles, nowhere was it mentioned the police cruiser was one of them but you still some how try and steer it that way.

Your still holding on to hope its the cops fault, that cool.
Just curious as to how you came to know who it was.

I have known the name of the person, the 03 GIXXER 1000 he rode, but could not mention details. I can confirm their prime supect is the one they just arrested. He does go by the name Ritch, Richard as well as his given name.

I was also told that on more than one time, he has scared a passenger on the back of his bike.
If this clown has in fact gotten a lawyer then its going to be a tough case for the crown to win. I hope that he gets nailed to the wall but knowing our justice system, im not all that optimistitic.
Not sure why you say that...considering the way everyone thinks they go after sport bikes around here. I'm pretty sure they'll go for broke on this one.
I posted on another thread a couple of weeks ago that through a credible source, the police knew who they were looking for after linking him to her through her electronic devices and they had a partial plate from a witness. I have known the name of the person, the 03 GIXXER 1000 he rode, but could not mention details. I can confirm their prime supect is the one they just arrested. He does go by the name Ritch, Richard as well as his given name.

I was also told that on more than one time, he has scared a passenger on the back of his bike.

Glad they have him and hopefully if it goes to trial a jury will view, text, email, facebook, voicemail as enough to convict him even though he was not caught at the scene.

I hope that if you had solid, personal evidence on this, that you took advantage of 222-TIPS to make the crown case stronger. Not big on grousing out people myself, but this is one individual who needs to face the consequences of his actions if the allegations hold merit.
and i'd expect things to get really sticky if it's discovered that the victim fell off the bike due to the bike being bumped in a take down maneuver by the officer and the chase started due to a traffic infraction. The rider will have the book thrown at him, and I doubt he could have a fair trial by jury right now, many on this board have already convicted him because he was the one arrested. Hope he is the one that was riding and not someone else cause his life is over.
and i'd expect things to get really sticky if it's discovered that the victim fell off the bike due to the bike being bumped in a take down maneuver by the officer and the chase started due to a traffic infraction.
I didn't realize the police were allowed to use this maneuver.
Once this thread and others like it have run theiri course, the name RASHID whatever will be completely forgotten as we move on to other trivia. A year from now, some interest will pique... if there are complicatioins and technicalities that squander the case. Then Rashid get to write a frikk'n book or do a movie.
Unless the judge puts a total news blackout, the media can tell us what they know from the cops.

But gee, it sure would be nice if your sentiments were shared by the majoriity on this board.
I have an idea. Become a judge
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