magats take over congress

Hypocrisy, how long were they griping about Trump?

Goldberg and Oprah especially, what a joke.

I stopped at an intersection once in downtown Detroit. Cop came rushing up with lights on, gets me to roll the window down. Tells me unless I want to get carjacking I better not stop at the signs for the next 4 blocks.

LoL heard of that. My aunts car had its antenna swiped in Queens in the early 90s when she stopped at a red light. Told a cop a few blocks later and was told that she’s lucky they only took that and to not stop at red lights next time.
LoL heard of that. My aunts car had its antenna swiped in Queens in the early 90s when she stopped at a red light. Told a cop a few blocks later and was told that she’s lucky they only took that and to not stop at red lights next time.
Now I understand.

Early 1970's I was dating a girl that had a sister that lived in Detroit and I agreed to drive her there to visit her sister. Her sis's apartment was too small for me to stay so they booked a hotel room for me around the corner. I got up early the next morning and took a drive to check out the area...not a good idea. It was just after black days of July and every store front was burnt out and or covered with plywood.

I stopped at a red light and when the light went green if I wasn't trying to burn rubber the car behind me was blowing its horn.

Went to some clubs later but there was tension everywhere. Malls were built like forts.

Once a month I used to drive to Toledo 30 ish years ago and the Detroit part of the trip was past crack houses. You didn't want a flat tire.
Yep sending 1000’s of highly skilled trades people and union workers to the soup line on the first day in the job

Plus also stabbing Canada in the back

You go sleepy joe

Green policies first. The world is moving on, get with the plan. You’re saying the same things that the town of Asbestos in QC did when the world finally said “why are you still mining this ****?”.
What greener, having the oil move through pipes or having 1000’s of trucks and trains moving oil?
Not moving it at all....also, it’s bitumen or close to it. The heaviest, dirtiest form of crude you can get. The pipeline was to send it to refineries that can handle it.
They also send back all the waste back to Canada in a separate pipeline,

In reality we in our lifetime are never going to see a day when oil is not depended on
They also send back all the waste back to Canada in a separate pipeline,

In reality we in our lifetime are never going to see a day when oil is not depended on

Where did you read about the waste?

From my understanding....

The pipeline that runs IL to Edmonton is for the supply of diluent. Diluent is a hydrocarbon that is non reactive with the oil sands bitumen that is used to 'thin' the tar so that it will flow in the outgoing pipeline.

They either thin it or they have to heat it to get it to flow.
Where did you read about the waste?

From my understanding....

The pipeline that runs IL to Edmonton is for the supply of diluent. Diluent is a hydrocarbon that is non reactive with the oil sands bitumen that is used to 'thin' the tar so that it will flow in the outgoing pipeline.

They either thin it or they have to heat it to get it to flow.
Sry dude if i wasn’t on my phone with crappy service I’d look for it, give me till tomorrow when i get back south again and I’ll post the links
Anywhere to find the whole list? Guarantee the majority are in the finance sector...
Saw the list earlier this morning...
The vast majority are pardoned for multiple types of fraud, money laundering and committing perjury or lying to the FBI etc.
Hypocrisy, how long were they griping about Trump?

Goldberg and Oprah especially, what a joke.
Less time than they were griping about Barack's birthplace, Michelle's gender, Benghazi, Hillary's emails, etc.
Less time than they were griping about Barack's birthplace, Michelle's gender, Benghazi, Hillary's emails, etc.
Benghazi, is that the place Hillary bullshited and got caught lying about taking snipers fire?
Less time than they were griping about Barack's birthplace, Michelle's gender, Benghazi, Hillary's emails, etc.
even if that were true, it's still the pot calling the kettle black.
The writing was in the wall for this years ago...Trump was a blip. If your plan for success relies on one unhinged individual in office you have a big issue.

The oil sounds more like bunker, heat or thin. Who in their right mind starts a project when they don't have all the parts available?

Oil is priced by the barrel and there are different grades. West Texas crude is steak. A lot of ours is high fat ground beef, reduced for quick sale.
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