Loud Pipes Save Lives

"Walk this way" by Aerosmith is my neighbour's favourite song...
whether they like it or not.

Did the article get revised since then? I just read it now after noticing this thread and I didn't see it saying anything like that

i dunno i got that sentiment from this part of the article.

"Even if they did save lives, the argument would be an implicit acknowledgement that motorcycles are bad for society. If the only way to avoid routinely killing people with 400-pound heaps of metal is to make them unbearably loud, then perhaps those heaps of metal shouldn’t be allowed on roads at all.

Imagine the fictional people of Haddonfield, Illinois allowing Michael Meyers to roam free, so long as the murderous psychopath donned a loud bell on his butcher knife. A bell so loud it routinely woke people in the middle of the night, and still more bloodied bodies were found each morning. Faced with the argument that, perhaps, Meyers shouldn’t be allowed access to butcher knives or innocent babysitters, they’d argue, “Loud serial killers save lives!” That’s the sort of logic we’re dealing with here."

The implication is riders have to admit they're going around on killing machines if the loud pipes are one of the few things necessary to not die. at least thats how i read it.
I stopped reading at 'Sabrina Maddeaux'. Her commentaries are page fillers, so hyperbole deep they're meaningless. When newspapers sell too many ads, they need to fill space so they buy tripe from unemployed or wannabe journalists. She's a self proclaimed 'influencer' who can't get a job in journalism so she writes freelance tripe in the style of a troll.

Kinda like that Chinese gal that squeals about cultural appropriation yet while appropriating dyed blond hair appropriated anglo name.
I stopped reading at 'Sabrina Maddeaux'. Her commentaries are page fillers, so hyperbole deep they're meaningless. When newspapers sell too many ads, they need to fill space so they buy tripe from unemployed or wannabe journalists. She's a self proclaimed 'influencer' who can't get a job in journalism so she writes freelance tripe in the style of a troll.

Kinda like that Chinese gal that squeals about cultural appropriation yet while appropriating dyed blond hair appropriated anglo name.
Its only cultural appropriation when white people do it
Real health effect in hundred of thousands or millions due to interrupted sleep. That shows up in increased health care costs for us all. One person's desire to have rolling-thunder actually costs us all money.

Agree and that's socialized medicine. And reminds me of a Chinese curse, "May you get what you wish for". Or, in Canada we might say, "What you sow, you will reap". Everything has a cost.
If you go around chanting that your loud pipes saves lives by making you more conspicuous in traffic, yet you ride wearing all black leather on an all-black motorcycle, then you've immediately lost all credibility.
I've been saying exactly this for years.
I've been saying exactly this for years.
Don’t forget about the beanie and sleeveless leather vest.

I’m guilty of running GP pipes on a Busa, but I never blipped in a res area, or went WOF anywhere that would scare babies or make a Karen’s ears bleed.
I need this on a t shirt.
I know a couple, married with a 2 year old daughter. Wife still has to go into another room or hold farts in their own home, won't crap or fart in front of the husband.
How one can live life like, that I don't know.
I need this on a t shirt.
I know a couple, married with a 2 year old daughter. Wife still has to go into another room or hold farts in their own home, won't crap or fart in front of the husband.
How one can live life like, that I don't know.

My wife still won’t pass gas around me or go number 2 in my presence.

She has squatted for a tinkly but I had to swear not to look in her general direction.

For everything we have done together, you’d think she would get past this. But nope!

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As expected, some people decided the fine is not an issue and make no attempt to comply. A driver (car) was ticketed twice in one week in Oakville. The second time he got a defect notice which requires him to get the car inspected by a certain date to show mufflers are installed or his plates will be canceled and vehicle status changed to unfit. Ha. Loser.

As expected, some people decided the fine is not an issue and make no attempt to comply. A driver (car) was ticketed twice in one week in Oakville. The second time he got a defect notice which requires him to get the car inspected by a certain date to show mufflers are installed or his plates will be canceled and vehicle status changed to unfit. Ha. Loser.

Just to add.

The individual was charged with the incredibly self-explanatory “no muffler” and “unnecessary noise.”
Did it fall off, removed intentionally or replaced with some racing one?

Just one week later the same officer spotted the same vehicle near Oakville’s Coronation Park, still without a muffler and also breaking a number of other laws. 73km/h in a 50km/h zone
So they driver was clearly being foolish.

You know I always thought my bike was really loud, but after hearing some car's, sport bikes and other HD's I think my bike is actually a little tamer..

Was getting fuel this morning (for my car) and heard what I would have sworn was a sport bike (My view was blocked by a monster pickup) but turned out it was just a VW Jetta with a slick paint job and a fart can. So If I can be fooled, how many bikes are being blamed that are actually cars?
Just to add.

The individual was charged with the incredibly self-explanatory “no muffler” and “unnecessary noise.”
Did it fall off, removed intentionally or replaced with some racing one?
Cops posted pics. Most definitely intentional assholery. It's simple enough to dodge most of these tickets, just weld a fake muffler around your straight pipe. Cops don't measure noise, they look for mufflers.


My mini is pretty loud for what it is. It has two straight through mufflers on it in series so it has a reasonable attempt at silencing (but being straight through, not nearly as quiet as a chambered muffler). If I'm going on a long drive, I wear ear plugs.
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Cops posted pics. Most definitely intentional assholery. It's simple enough to dodge most of these tickets, just weld a fake muffler around your straight pipe. Cops don't measure noise, they look for mufflers.


My mini is pretty loud for what it is. It has two straight through mufflers on it in series so it has a reasonable attempt at silencing (but being straight through, not nearly as quiet as a chambered muffler). If I'm going on a long drive, I wear ear plugs.
Ah, thank you for clearing it up. I don't know how I missed that picture !?!
Having NO muffler is enough the cop can pull the plates at the side of the road, AND give you a handful of "serve and protect" tickets
... and you DON'T want to get involved in that.
To get the plates back you need a inspection by a specified inspector, which the last time I played this game was the Crappy Tire at the Centerpoint Mall (they picked CTCs because CTC has a presence in all 10 provinces and three terrritories. Not ANY CTC store, just specified ones. There is one in Toronto, one in London, one in Ottawa and one up north somewhere. When I lived in BC, the ONLY one was in Vancouver, which is a bit of a truck if you live in Port Hardy)
IF you do end up playing this game, DO NOT let the cop call you a tow truck, call your own. If a cop calls the tow truck you pay about 3x as much as if you call it yourself.

Toronto cops used to jam their billy club into a bike's muffler to check if there was baffles in there, till some enterprising club member sued the Toronto police service to replace the exhaust system on his bike.
They don't do that anymore.
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