Loud Pipes Save Lives

". That police can find the time and energy to ticket picnickers who enjoy a beer on the beach, but not motorcyclists living out their illegal Fast & Furious fantasies on public streets, "

Did someone challenge her to write an article with hyperbole in EVERY sentence? I guess she wins lol
If the only way to avoid routinely killing people with 400-pound heaps of metal is to make them unbearably loud, then perhaps those heaps of metal shouldn’t be allowed on roads at all.

The first part of this sentence is exactly the "loud pipes save lives" argument. Seen in this light you can see how truely ludicrous it really is.
Perhaps in some alternate reality where it was only a motorcycle (with loud pipes) and another vehicle behind it would those loud pipes gain some attention. Would they save a life, not sure. But, today loud pipes are just loud pipes, in an age where you have mini-vans full of kids screaming and watching Disney movies while the driver checks their email, people with questionable driving skills in expensive high powered vehicles speeding and changing lanes without a single care to consider any dangers, Large trucks perhaps poorly maintained with drivers that are perhaps equally poorly maintained driving as if they were a much smaller and better maintained vehicle and the list goes on and on. To think a set of loud pipes will help aid you in any sense is foolish, they are not a safety device nor should they ever be considered one. You want to be 100% safe on a motorcycle, don't ride one. But that article is in very poor taste and clearly based on a few facts tossed into a whole lot of opinions and assumptions.
Guilt- driven cancel culture numpty looking to make a name for herself by saying what she thinks people want to hear. So tired of this. Some days I really dislike social media for giving these dipsh*ts a forum to vent their spleens.

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Actually, I wonder who should really care about this? Who are we trying to save? Whales? The public's slight annoyance with adults behaving like attention-seeking children can not even compare to the eventual deterioration of hearing and tinnitus of those unfortunate offenders in their later years. Everything has a price, be prepared to pay that price. WCB and safety councils mandate the wearing of industrial earmuff-style noise suppressors for occupations like airport workers, some construction and so on, but heck? What do they know that we don't. So crank it up, the sweet sounds of rolling-thunder.
Actually, I wonder who should really care about this? Who are we trying to save? Whales? The public's slight annoyance with adults behaving like attention-seeking children can not even compare to the eventual deterioration of hearing and tinnitus of those unfortunate offenders in their later years. Everything has a price, be prepared to pay that price. WCB and safety councils mandate the wearing of industrial earmuff-style noise suppressors for occupations like airport workers, some construction and so on, but heck? What do they know that we don't. So crank it up, the sweet sounds of rolling-thunder.
Real health effect in hundred of thousands or millions due to interrupted sleep. That shows up in increased health care costs for us all. One persons desire to have rolling-thunder actually costs us all money.
meh i was fine with the argument (overly loud pipes are annoying sorry) but then she started talking about how motorcycles shouldnt even be on the road at all? lol ok.
Did the article get revised since then? I just read it now after noticing this thread and I didn't see it saying anything like that
Real health effect in hundred of thousands or millions due to interrupted sleep. That shows up in increased health care costs for us all. One persons desire to have rolling-thunder actually costs us all money.
Noise is nothing new, while I agree with you that interrupted sleep can be detrimental to ones health, I have never been woken up by a motorcycle and my house backs onto a very notorious stretch of road. I am 100% more likely to lose sleep due to a car alarm, coyote's howling or the need to pee. When Can I expect to see an article on the dangers of urine? :ROFLMAO:
Did the article get revised since then? I just read it now after noticing this thread and I didn't see it saying anything like that

I guess he is refering to this...

If the only way to avoid routinely killing people with 400-pound heaps of metal is to make them unbearably loud, then perhaps those heaps of metal shouldn’t be allowed on roads at all.

While most "loud pipes save lives" riders say it's their protection so she is wrong saying "with", her argument still stands.

If you need to be obnoxiously loud, then maybe it's your riding habits over anything else. Most of the loud pipe riders I see daily are weaving through traffic, lane splitting, using the shoulder of highways etc.
My own observation has been that the number of really obnoxious straight-pipe Harleys has diminished since Caledon, Oakville, etc enacted bylaws and did some enforcement, but the number of cars with obnoxious exhaust systems has increased ... and the number of motorcycles with stereo systems cranked to max volume has increased.
My own observation has been that the number of really obnoxious straight-pipe Harleys has diminished since Caledon, Oakville, etc enacted bylaws and did some enforcement, but the number of cars with obnoxious exhaust systems has increased ... and the number of motorcycles with stereo systems cranked to max volume has increased.

You’d think with the various com devices available, the need for a sound system on a bike isn’t necessary anymore.

Always chuckle at how ridiculous it is to have a stereo blasting away so the riders can hear it through their helmets.

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Pretty apparent that the point isn't to enjoy music while riding (headphones/communicators/bluetooth exists) ... the point is to be as obnoxious to others as possible.

I don't understand it. Personally, if someone tending to their garden as I ride by on the road, doesn't look up from their chores when I pass by, I consider that to be a good thing.
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