Well-known member
On a group ride, it is a PITA to be stuck behind a bike with an after market exhaust.
"be free from the gravity of expectation"
"be free from the gravity of expectation"
No offence intended, but you're kidding yourself.
Good on you for admitting that you like it, but the only smiles it produces are your own.
I want this on a tshirt.![]()
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I don't need to do a power launch from the stop sign at the end of my street and roar away in first gear.
That was the Halton Region who started to crack down on noise pollution 2 weeks ago. You probably won't get hassled on the 400 series Hwys. but in town, they are gunning for any vehicle with an altered muffler, including motorcycles.Oakville has become a hot spot for loud exhaust checks, do the police have better things to do? probably, but the deal is enough public squeek, the town councillors squeek and the police boss that really likes his job sends the boys out to quiet things down.
Do i like seeing a V8 rod go by shaking the ground?? hell yeah. At 3am in 1st gear? hell no.
Time and place
The Aprilia RSV4/Tuono won't be in ear shot long, they move fast and the sound goes with it. A Hog on the other hand moves very slowly and takes forever to get out of ear shot, it's a lingering pain in the ear.Well...
Any time I'm anywhere near an Aprilia RSV4/Tuono with an aftermarket exhaust it's a total eargasm...
I could listen to than sound all day long...
One of those was at edenvale airshow last year. The small penis man was wfo while riding (well duck walking really) through the crowd. Kids were literally covering their ears and running screaming more than 100' away. If I was closer, I might have knocked him over. Some people just never grow up. You know you are an a$$hole when you are 10's of decibels louder than airplanes.I once was about 4 cars behind some a$$hat on a cruiser. It was so loud that at an idle it was shaking my car. I would have no problem with someone kicking the bike over in a parking lot. Rider deserves it for being that obnoxious. Nothing screams small penis with erectile dysfunction quite like that.
In my neighborhood I'm more ****** about the wankers who put a modified exhaust on their POS Honda Civic with the massive spoiler. Then they add more decibels with the sound system that takes up the volume of their trunk whose power is measured in horsepower rather than watts. But, yeah... all a matter of degree I guess with bike exhausts. As long as it's not a sonic boom I don't care.
When I was changing the exhaust on the mini, I left both mufflers in. Pressure drop wasn't an issue and I didn't want it to be too obnoxious. The front is 2.5" straight through and the second is 2x2.5" straight through. Definitely sounds bigger than 1293cc but not remotely obnoxious.The thing with vehicles with modified exhaust systems is that the riders/drivers are often the same people who ride/drive like a$$holes. Rev the crap out of it at a stop light, accelerate fast, rev to the redline or pass you on the inside on the 401 at 170 - 180 kph. They also specialize at doing all of the above at 2 in the morning.
I have no problem having these nice and considerate folks stopped and ticketed. Part of the process should be a follwup inspection where the owner has to return to an inspection station in a week to validate that the illegal exhaust system has been removed and replaced with a legal one. Don't show up, then police drop by the residence and seize the plates. You're never going to solve this issue unless the law has some teeth and costs the owner money.