Loud and proud?

:LOL: Hilarious! I have another one for you
Two young saps walk into a bar, neither of them was sharp enough to duck.
For a topic that recurs every 12 months, this one is pretty popular. Already at 4 pages.

So I'm reading the Globe article and it is absolutely void of technical or historic information. From what I remember riders first used straight pipes to get better performance, the same way hot rodders did. An engine is just an air pump. The more easily it can suck and blow air the better. Less constrictive pipes help, but only if they're coupled with a better air intake and a tuned carb or fuel injection system to match. These kinds of mods don't help the low-end on a bike, they only truly help at peak RPM, basically they can raise that peak creating more horsepower.

The straight pipe thing has been a big deal since forever. It was a cheap way to go faster and attract attention (Oooohh, he's loud, that must be a fast bike). Decades later the less educated just bolt on a set of straights or semi-straights because they like the sound, and a wimpy-sounding bike is going to get negative comments. HD offers factory performance upgrades that make their bikes faster (basically intake, exhaust, fuel injectors, new computer map).

The bikes that will get the most out of a straight exhaust are the high-winding inline-four bikes. Properly tuned you can get big top-end gains. But why? The things are so fast and well-tuned off the showroom floor you don't need it, unless you're trying to attract attention. How often do you ride a bike at peak RPM? Might be your last day alive.

As for loud pipes saving lives, I suppose there's an argument to be made there. I have Vance and Hines semi-straights with a carb tune on my bike. The fool I bought it from had straights with stock tune that backfired like crazy because it was too lean. I cut down the noise because I'm already deaf enough.
The price of H-D OEM exhaust systems just went up.
I like that at least two out of the three failing bikes shown had HD branded pipes. I am sure that HD sells them as offroad and track use only, you know, for all of the off-road and track miles that Harleys see.
All the other vehicles on the road have gotten quieter, the loud ones now stand out even more,
it's only going to get worse for the people testing the laws, just wait until the cops are all driving electric cars :LOL:
All the other vehicles on the road have gotten quieter, the loud ones now stand out even more,
it's only going to get worse for the people testing the laws, just wait until the cops are all driving electric cars :LOL:
Thar would make too much sense, so it isnt going to happen any time soon.
Thar would make too much sense, so it isnt going to happen any time soon.
:ROFLMAO: I think the public should demand it,
you know in the interest of reduced carbon foot print and all that.
I am guilty of not wearing earplugs all the time. I don't wear plugs on my 20-minute commute. But try to remember to wear them when going out for a day ride. Hearing loss isn't only the problem. I just got to make a habit of wearing them.

How are you supposed to get some sleep with the constant noise in your ear!
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I am guilty of not wearing earplugs all the time. I don't wear plugs on my 20-minute commute. But try to remember to wear them when going out for a day ride. Hearing loss isn't only the problem.

How are you suppose to get some sleep with the constant noise in your ear!
Eat more pomegranate, might work.
The price of H-D OEM exhaust systems just went up.

Nah, It's a Harley, so it probably won't leave the garage again until next summer anyways, so it's all good, cops won't catch him next year. :p
The HD crowd won't be looking for oem systems.They will brag about how many tickets they have been issued.
The HD crowd won't be looking for oem systems.They will brag about how many tickets they have been issued.
Once the cops catch on to that game, the hd crowd wont be happy. Look through that cops posts about the loud cars he's pulled over. It sounds like they leave the stop with an unfit, unplated vehicle and a summons (normally they have multiple issues with bald tires and parts of the car held on with wires). It's not a stretch to pull vehicle fitness for an exhaust that fails to meet any applicable standard. Forcing you to get something that passes on and get a safety before you can ride it again is a huge pain that you wont want to go through often.
Most my bikes had aftermarket exhaust and it was never a problem since, I controlled my wrist.

Don’t understand bumping the rev limiter while cruising Yonge St or blapping down the boulevard in traffic.

My Buell had a D&D pipe and it was obnoxious. But at speed and around town, it was fine.

Never attempted to mask the reasons for safety. I like the sound.

My current toy has a glass pack muffler.

No issues with noise. When I jump on it, it’s loud and for the most part, brings more smiles than frowns.

It’s the bad apples that ruin it for everyone else.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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