Looking To Start A Riding Group For Noobs

Can you be at Leslie and Lakeshore around 18:00 today?
lol.. this is just funny !! so much confusion...
Lol I just think more information needs to be posted. How many people are going, are we riding somewhere? I have a Suzuki SV650s.
Hi everyone! If anyone is interested in riding around town not specific places just stop at random places and enjoy the day/night send me a private message. I open tonight and tomorrow Sunday for riding. It's a nice weekend let's enjoy it on our toys!
Come to L&L at 20:00 today and we all decide what to do.
Hey guys and girls. Me and platinumeye will be hosting a ride this weekend for everyone who wants to come out. Check out the "noob ride saturday july 16" thread
LoL This is a disaster waiting to happen. God forbid something happens to one of you. Ride safe.
So how was the ride this weekend for the people that did go. I hope you guys had a good time.

Is anyone riding this week or weekend let me know.
Hey bud if you're up for it let me know when you are free to ride so we can set something up and maybe get a couple of more people. i know one more person so that's two of us and you will be three. send me a private to let me know when you're free to ride.
I would be interesting in tagging along, even though i guess i'm not consider a Noob since i've been riding for 2 season already.
I would be interesting in tagging along, even though i guess i'm not consider a Noob since i've been riding for 2 season already.

ok if anyone wants to ride from what i can see there's a couple of people that replied today Monday July 18th than send me a private letting me know when you're free to ride and once i have a couple of people we can set a date that everyone can ride and make it happen.
New rider event this Sunday July 24th!! Anybody interested can come out, M1 Friendly, All day. Check out the thread in the New Riders section or PM me. will be a very memorable ride with a bunch of people at various stages of learning. No idiocy, no stunting, just cruising long at the speed limits (give or take...) enjoying being on two wheels!
New rider event this Sunday July 24th!! Anybody interested can come out, M1 Friendly, All day. Check out the thread in the New Riders section or PM me. will be a very memorable ride with a bunch of people at various stages of learning. No idiocy, no stunting, just cruising long at the speed limits (give or take...) enjoying being on two wheels!
Where and when?? And is anyone from Guelph not here and like to go out ridding day/night or even weekends are great for me! Pm me if so
Meeting at 830 at yorkdale mall, west lot outside sears. Rolling out at 9. Going for lunch at the firehouse (on hwy 35) . Will be a great ride. The more people the better! Anybody is welcome regardless of experience, as long as they understand that this is a ride to see the sights, not blur them out with speed.

I have been riding for 8 years, and there are one or two more that have said they are coming (only know when I see them sunday, like everybody else). I do know what I'm doing if people are concerned about noob leading noobs. I am running this to give people a chance to come out with a group, feel what it's like and not sporting to much about keeping up with the guys on their ss bikes that take off once a corner shows up. It can be very intimidating being the only noob, or small bike and this is a good way around that feeling.
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Meeting at 830 at yorkdale mall, west lot outside sears. Rolling out at 9. Going for lunch at the firehouse (on hwy 35) . Will be a great ride. The more people the better! Anybody is welcome regardless of experience, as long as they understand that this is a ride to see the sights, not blur them out with speed.

I have been riding for 8 years, and there are one or two more that have said they are coming (only know when I see them sunday, like everybody else). I do know what I'm doing if people are concerned about noob leading noobs. I am running this to give people a chance to come out with a group, feel what it's like and not sporting to much about keeping up with the guys on their ss bikes that take off once a corner shows up. It can be very intimidating being the only noob, or small bike and this is a good way around that feeling.

Good for u for taking initiative!

Depends on how things turn out, I might come. I guess I can give a bit to the community. Kinda tired of riding break neck speeds and then coming home an regret it, lol
Hey, just did my motorcycle safety course and picked up my Ninja 250 a few days ago. I got about 120km on the bike and I'm looking for people to ride with. I hope I get to see you guys on the road soon!
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