Looking To Start A Riding Group For Noobs

I'm fairly new. I'm in thornhill and have my m1 for couple more weeks ( so no night rides yet). But I'd like to tag along sometime too!
Ive been riding for 3 months or so and I'm interested if I can get the timing works out. Is it sport bikes only or are all welcome? I'm downtown off the danforth.
Would love too as long as it's not too early (before 10am)

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Hey guys,

I got BBM

1st season riding too. on my 250. I'm in Markham. PM me if anyone/group wants to ride or if theres a BBM group lemme know!
I am in Brampton so if you guys get up this way PM and maybe we could do the forks .

I am thinking of heading out tonight around 730 for a quick run .
Hi all, I would like to ride with you all as well.

I just got my license this season, and am riding a new CBR250RA

I'm located in Etobicoke, near Humber College North Campus (finch/27)
First summer riding and I'm looking for people to ride with. I have an 07 gixxer and live in Toronto. Also have BBM so let me know when and where.
If you are in Brampton, you could meet up today at Tim Hortons (Bovaird and McLaughlin) for 8:00 p.m.
Let's stop talking and set something up for tomorrow! Going to be a great day. I will look for some beginner friendly routes, but feel free to post one if you know it! maybe meet somewhere central like yorkdale? I know people are coming from all over. if going east maybe start scarborough town center? 250's unite!
Hello Guys, Terence here at VP & Ellesmere.
I'm also a new rider with a Hyosung GT250R, always looking to meet new people (ride, talk bikes, ect).
I'm a n00b at group rides. I'd be interested...
Anyone up for a ride this Sat July 9? Probably going up north along 48 (Markham Road).
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