Looking to buy a small SUV

The Encore is terrible.
Engine issues. Replaced engine… more issues…
Electrical problems.

The only good thing about it was that it didn’t have a spec of body rust on it.
Wow. I'll have to speak to my cousins as I think their mom has it. But she's literally a Sunday grandma driver. So maybe 5k/year...if that.
Looing to replace the current cage. A small SUV fits the needs. Something like the Rav4 Hybrid, Suburu Crosstrek(Hybrid not available in ON) or Carolla Crosss Hybrid(not coming till late 2022). Anyone know someone doing a lease return? Or leads on used ones? Local stealership has a 2019 Rav4 XLE with 52K kms asking over $45k. Bit too rich for my blood. Problem is, ordering a new one means delivery is a year out. Can't wait as need to do a road trip mid July.
Buddy is looking to rid himself of his '22 Honda HRV. 2WD unit.
It's leased (3yr) since Nov. $111 every couple weeks.
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