Agreed @ afelotreyu. It matters because the media of every single government wants to push its own agenda and feeds its people whatever it wants them to believe. Their version of the truth.. im NOT by any means trying to defend Hitler obviously! im just trying to shine some light on the things we never hear when it comes to this subject and some facts that might show that we might have been slightly misled on history and the EXTEND of what he did or didnt do. Also the real nature of his objectives. How can you have Jewish soldiers, field AND air marshals that are half Jewish and be allies with Japan and the darker skinned Italians if your mission is to only have the Aryan race? and when you are a short little dark haired dark eyed man yourself? lol not everything is as black and white as we are always led to believe (in any subject). Again, because this is such a touchy subject and SOME like to call you anti-Semitic for saying ANYTHING (true or false) against their interest, i would like to repeat...I AM NOT DEFENDING THE NAZI REGIME lol