Looking for a "video editing" computer

Yes, we are all just so scared of technology because we use Apple products. I use Apple products because they work and work well. They give me a fraction of the headaches our PC's used to give us.
Lol, if you have PC problems you don't know what your doing. Buying a Mac is like buying an automatic motorcycle. LAME! I guess its OK if your a girl that want a computer that matches her purse. If Macs are so badass why can't you get AutoCAD on it?

However I do believe there is a place for Macs. For instance I'm trying to get my folks to buy one for their next computer as I'm sick of fixing their point and click adventures on the internet that result in a wonderland of spyware and toolbars. So I'd say that Macs would be better for people who can't be trusted to surf in a wise manor.

OF COURSE it nothing but my opinion and don't be blinded by Macs being fool proof. I've seen plenty crash. Usually, like with PC's, its all due to stupid people doing stupid things.

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Lol, if you have PC problems you don't know what your doing. Buying a Mac is like buying an automatic motorcycle. LAME! I guess its OK if your a girl that want a computer that matches her purse. If Macs are so badass why can't you get AutoCAD on it?

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

Umm you can most definitely get autoCAD on a mac.. you can even get it on an iPad.

Did you just make this all up? have you ever used OSX?

Oh wait, "sent of nexus one".. no wonder : )
Umm you can most definitely get autoCAD on a mac.. you can even get it on an iPad.

Did you just make this all up? have you ever used OSX?

Oh wait, "sent of nexus one".. no wonder : )

Uhhh you can get turbocad that's missing the full features if actual cad. And how could I form an opinion without using OSX?

*edit* I'm not saying M$ knocks it out of the park either
PROUDLY Sent from my Nexus One thats not an apple product using Tapatalk
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Uhhh you can get turbocad that's missing the full features if actual cad. And how could I form an opinion without using OSX?

PROUDLY Sent from my Nexus One thats not an apple product using Tapatalk

you're full of it.


For $4000 I highly doubt this is "missing the full features of actual cad" not to mention I'v used the trial version on my GFs macbook and I like it more than my windows version. This is from a Windows user who uses Autodesk pretty much every day.
you're full of-]http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/pc/index?id=17326753&siteID=123112[/URL]

For $4000 I highly doubt this is "missing the full features of actual cad" not to mention I'v used the trial version on my GFs macbook and I like it more than my windows version. This is from a Windows user who uses Autodesk pretty much every day.

Well well well, its about time. Its recent so my comments wern't compleatly vain. Even the description reads " it finally here"
I still can't stand using a Mac.

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Wow so much apple hate (not surprised)

Hey I use both. I love Mac OSX but just built my own computer last summer specifically for video editing. I just couldn't warrant spending the money on a Mac Pro and unless portability was essential wouldn't use a laptop. The fact that the new imacs had sealed drives put me off that route. I can't afford to have a client waiting on an edit while my computer is being fixed or sent away at the Apple store. I'd rather just pop in a new drive. Update from backedup files and be on my way.

I was surprised at how easy it was to build a computer and would recomend it to anyone. Just do your research and make sure all your parts jive well. That is why Apple has gained the reputation for reliability because all the parts have been selected to work well together without issues. Most built PCs or ones form HP have not had that thought put in. Do the research. It pays off.
Wow so much apple hate (not surprised)
Hate is strong even though I use the word when I should have said disliked. However ill use the word hate when it comes to the douche users (not all users) who will fight you to the death on your opinions. These are the same people that in the design department of my buddy's office were wearing black bands on their arms when S.Jobs died.

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Hate is strong even though I use the word when I should have said disliked. However ill use the word hate when it comes to the ****** users (not all users) who will fight you to the death on your opinions. These are the same people that in the design department of my buddy's office were wearing black bands on their arms when S.Jobs died.

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I see your point. And it is a valid one but I honestly find the 'anti-apple' crowd just as obnoxious. The ones who will say any product not by apple is better because it wasn't built by apple. Apple makes some nice products. Anyone would have to be blind to not see that. Especially laptops (which is the only apple computer I will buy and I've been an apple fan since 1996).

Its a product. see what suits your needs and use that one. I happen to love the trackpad on the MBP and can't stand using PC laptops but I also can't bring myself to purchase a tower that I can't replace parts easy and upgrade (the entire purpose of a desktop isn't it?)

Now back to editing (as that is part of my professional career). I would say to the OP the software requirements will indicate what you should buy. Be honest with yourself. Chances are you don't need a $2K plus workstation unless time is money (your getting paid). Almost any modern computer will have more than enough horses to get the job done. And have a good backup solution. Footage takes tons of drive space and if a drive goes you can lose a lot. Backup Backup Backup.
Like I said before... Apple product are for people who are afraid of technology.

:lol: I was an IT guy for 8 years

Like I said, there are a million and one different things I'd rather be doing than building and tinkering with a PC :lol: especially a hackintosh. This stuff is for nerds and/or people who cant afford real Macs. End of discussion.

I wanna tinker with my computers about as much as I wanna tinker with my toaster or TV.
:lol: I was an IT guy for 8 years

Like I said, there are a million and one different things I'd rather be doing than building and tinkering with a PC :lol: especially a hackintosh. This stuff is for nerds and/or people who cant afford real Macs. End of discussion.

I wanna tinker with my computers about as much as I wanna tinker with my toaster or TV.

Well put

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Like I said before... Apple product are for people who are afraid of technology.

LOL .... whether you believe me or not .... I used to build my own PC boxes. Then, I just had enough one day (mainly frustrated with Windows, bloated anti-virus, anti-spyware etc.) and bought a used Mac with OS X which was at that point 2 years old. I couldn't believe how good experience it was. I never looked back. I am not missing the colossal waste of time and tweaking it needs to make sure a windows box runs properly and trouble free. It's a cliche statement .... but my computers really just run. Yes there's occasional power supply issue or hard drive needs to be replaced, but it's not that much more difficult or expansive to fix (any computer goes through issues like that). That is if you are not afraid of technology .... LOL

So, let's correct your statement .... Apple computers are for people who enjoy using a computer, instead of fixing it, upgrading it or cleaning up issues all the time. Yes things can go wrong, like with any hardware, but things usually do not go wrong with OS X, and that is the single main reason people buy them over PCs. I have to admit that Win 7 is a step in the wright direction, but still not a match in my opinion.
I dunno, not having to fight with the computer to make it work leaves more time for better things.... like riding or sex...

This ... LOL

I would almost make an analogy to ... carbs. vs FI bike. The one you need to fiddle with almost constantly, you must drain and winterize, to make sure it fires up in spring (sometimes even that doesn't help). The other one, just usually runs without much fuss .... that is how I see Win vs. OS X (or PC vs. Mac whatever).
LOL .... whether you believe me or not .... I used to build my own PC boxes. Then, I just had enough one day (mainly frustrated with Windows, bloated anti-virus, anti-spyware etc.) and bought a used Mac with OS X which was at that point 2 years old. I couldn't believe how good experience it was. I never looked back. I am not missing the colossal waste of time and tweaking it needs to make sure a windows box runs properly and trouble free. It's a cliche statement .... but my computers really just run. Yes there's occasional power supply issue or hard drive needs to be replaced, but it's not that much more difficult or expansive to fix (any computer goes through issues like that). That is if you are not afraid of technology .... LOL

So, let's correct your statement .... Apple computers are for people who enjoy using a computer, instead of fixing it, upgrading it or cleaning up issues all the time. Yes things can go wrong, like with any hardware, but things usually do not go wrong with OS X, and that is the single main reason people buy them over PCs. I have to admit that Win 7 is a step in the wright direction, but still not a match in my opinion.

My last new Dell I bought I just uninstalled their DVD playing software and burning software, installed Windows defender, Firefox, and a couple little apps I'd probably need even if it was a Mac and otherwise it's been fine since I got it. No bloatware on it.

Bought a used Dell and put Win7 on it. I didn't even need any drivers. Installed AVG Free instead of Defender, also been fine since day 1. Only hassle was that there were about 400 updates to install.

My last laptop before the Dell was a ThinkPad with WinXP on it. Other than installing the drivers the first time (since it came with Vista), it ran fine for 5 years with just AVG Free and no other maintenance. Didn't even install any updates for Windows.

The one before that was an Asus that lasted me 8 years. That one I was always messing with various OSes so that one got reformatted a few times when I screwed up the boot sector. Got a virus all of once when I chose to ignore the warning that I would get one if I ran the fake copy of a pirated game I downloaded.

I don't know where people get the idea that PCs are prone to failure and viruses. Mine work fine unless I do something stupid and mess it up. Even when it comes to viruses, I download crap from everywhere and the only time I got one was when my anti-virus told me I would if I ran a certain file and I stupidly ignored it.

Viruses exist for OSX now as well as far as I am aware.
Viruses and malware are a joke in OSX. Its a non-issue.
How come I have not got any virus or malware on my PC for over 5 it 6 years now? Could it be that I don't pirate the crap out of software? I found all the crap ended when I stoped doing that stuff. As for "free" software , well something for nothing is always going to cost you one way it another. All in all its what you want and I really don't care what you get. As for me, I still never own an apple product.

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How come I have not got any virus or malware on my PC for over 5 it 6 years now? Could it be that I don't pirate the crap out of software? I found all the crap ended when I stoped doing that stuff. As for "free" software , well something for nothing is always going to cost you one way it another. All in all its what you want and I really don't care what you get. As for me, I still never own an apple product.

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I never had viruses on my PCs either. But I helped dozens of users and businesses who did get viruses.

The point is that you're about 1000 times more likely to get one in Winblows.
I don't know where people get the idea that PCs are prone to failure and viruses. Mine work fine unless I do something stupid and mess it up. Even when it comes to viruses, I download crap from everywhere and the only time I got one was when my anti-virus told me I would if I ran a certain file and I stupidly ignored it.

Viruses exist for OSX now as well as far as I am aware.

Common so all the people who complain about their 3 months old PCs being dead slow with stupid toolbars and pop ups everywhere are making it up?? I don't know why you were so lucky, but it happens really more often than not. Plus most people run the bloated Norton, few people opt for the leaner free versions so their PCU works hard to keep them safe .... :-)

You last sentence is really the biggest myth out there. Yes, there are viruses "compatible" with OS X, but only 0.001% of Mac users have ever seen one. That's how dangerous they are. I will take that chance on a given day and keep hoping that OS X is as rare as it has been, so we both can enjoy what we prefer, right?
How come I have not got any virus or malware on my PC for over 5 it 6 years now? Could it be that I don't pirate the crap out of software?

LOL ... yes everyone who ever got a virus on a PC or his system was torchered by malware was a software pirate. I think you solved the mystery out there once and for all.
LOL ... yes everyone who ever got a virus on a PC or his system was torchered by malware was a software pirate. I think you solved the mystery out there once and for all.

Or download "free software" that comes with toolbars, malware blah blah blah. Again I've been free of all these problems when I quit all thhat crap. So yes I a right. Problems solved.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. Porn sites nail people quite often as well.

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I'm primarily a Mac user, but have no major issues with Windows. My pc runs fine (as far as Windows goes, hehehe) and I don't remember the last time I had a virus.

A major annoyance for me with new pc's is all the crap that comes preinstalled. First thing I do is reformat the drive and install a clean version of windows. Also disable the firewall and warnings Windows likes to use to keep idiots from getting virus' and malware. Other than that, it's not too bad of an OS these days.

I much prefer using OS-X, but there's nothing wrong with using Windows either.
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