Look both ways before crossing the street. Then look again.

With the one involving the woman who was hit and run, apparently afterwards she was lying on the road and drivers were just driving around her. What is wrong with people.

So, this came out by way of the media but a quote from the police in one article indicated they cannot confirm if that was actually true. Either way...

When I first heard that, I too was like WTF is wrong with people. But reading the articles again, BOTH people who actually hit her stopped at the scene. However, was NOT stopping really wrong of other drivers? It sounds crazy to drive around a body but I always thought you should not move a body at the scene of an accident if seriously injured (due to potential harm) or dead (for scene reconstruction). Granted this probably doesn't apply if in the middle of a highway because they'll definitely get run over again but on a street that is probably going VERY slow at that point maybe not as much of an issue.

If drivers DID stop, what more could they have done that the two stopped drivers couldn't? The only thing I think this would accomplish is a backup of cars, rubbernecking, and MORE collisions.

Someone correct me if my logic is wrong. Maybe there's something I'm not considering.
Someone correct me if my logic is wrong. Maybe there's something I'm not considering.

You're missing the drama that sells papers :cool:
So, this came out by way of the media but a quote from the police in one article indicated they cannot confirm if that was actually true. Either way...

When I first heard that, I too was like WTF is wrong with people. But reading the articles again, BOTH people who actually hit her stopped at the scene. However, was NOT stopping really wrong of other drivers? It sounds crazy to drive around a body but I always thought you should not move a body at the scene of an accident if seriously injured (due to potential harm) or dead (for scene reconstruction). Granted this probably doesn't apply if in the middle of a highway because they'll definitely get run over again but on a street that is probably going VERY slow at that point maybe not as much of an issue.

If drivers DID stop, what more could they have done that the two stopped drivers couldn't? The only thing I think this would accomplish is a backup of cars, rubbernecking, and MORE collisions.

Someone correct me if my logic is wrong. Maybe there's something I'm not considering.

You know what you are right. It depends on the situation I guess. In my case I stopped in order to keep the traffic behind me from rolling too close to the vicitim and to make them aware that something was up. I was also just genuinely concerned. If no one stops to help at all it gives the impression of coldness but if there are people helping out the victim already (besides the person who hit her) it's probably better to just get out of the way.

Just mentioning the bystander effect. Basically, the more people around, the less chance of anyone helping. They think "well, theres 1000 people here someone else will stop and help." Of course, all 1000 people are thinking that so no one does stop.

And then they question why no one is helping, completely forgetting they too have the ability to help.
I just heard it on the radio that she was hit and run, and people were driving by her without stopping. The radio report didn't indicate that there were people attending to the scene. I guess it is the drama ... in this case the radio drama. Good to know people did actually stop and it wasn't a hit and run.
I just heard it on the radio that she was hit and run, and people were driving by her without stopping. The radio report didn't indicate that there were people attending to the scene. I guess it is the drama ... in this case the radio drama. Good to know people did actually stop and it wasn't a hit and run.

We're talkin' Toronto, not Guangdong :cool:
I was out jaywalking yesterday, crossing mid block instead of at a corner and wondered if it wasn't safer than doing it by the book. Obviously crossing where there are lights should be safer but where it's just a stop sign and you have to cross the right of way, midblock seems safer. Crossing mid block you only have to watch for two directions of traffic where at a stop sign you have to deal with a drivers making turns as well.
I was out jaywalking yesterday, crossing mid block instead of at a corner and wondered if it wasn't safer than doing it by the book. Obviously crossing where there are lights should be safer but where it's just a stop sign and you have to cross the right of way, midblock seems safer. Crossing mid block you only have to watch for two directions of traffic where at a stop sign you have to deal with a drivers making turns as well.

If u cross by the book the use know u can sue if u get crippled

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Toronto police have announced a blitz on jaywalking. $50 fine so I guess I better start going to the corner.
As a pedestrian out walking at night, I always carry a flashlight (a Fenix TK35). It has an amazing amount of light output and it has two flash settings. I use it to get motorists attention if I am crossing at a stop sign. I don't use the full power setting as it can incapacitate and I don't want a motorist or bicycle rider to suddenly lose control. However, on one occasion, I wanted to cross Queen Street and I set it to the fast flash setting. Cars in both direction came to a halt. I did once, by accident turn it on at full power to help a bicycle rider who was approaching me on the sidewalk see me as I was between streetlights. He almost fell off his bike. He was not happy.

But to to point, most people are extremely distracted today and as a pedestrian, it is my responsibility to look after my own safety. Having that flashlight certainly helps.

Last night, in the rain, my mother got in a fender bender (tanker hit her from behind at low speed) so I went straight from work to help her. On our way to the collision centre I was blocked in the middle of Jane & Finch intersection by a white smart car driven by an old chinese lady. She had struck a pedestrian who was still crossing when the light turned yellow. I flipped on my hazards, got out to check on her and saw that a few other people were already by her side helping her to the sidewalk. I gave her a blanket and left my number with one of the other witnesses to give to police (who later took my statement).

Resumed my drive to the collision centre and at the next set of lights the same thing nearly happens again. Some idiot decided that he'd try to sprint across the street on a yellow light ("no walk" sign for him) while a left-turning car is doing the same thing. Car came within inches of running him over.

A lot of similar incidents lately. Too many inattentive people out there who just don't mix well with dark, rainy conditions. The following story was particularly maddening and reminded me of that lady who collapsed in the TTC station: http://www.cp24.com/news/motorists-drove-around-collision-victim-s-body-police-1.1019853
As a pedestrian out walking at night, I always carry a flashlight (a Fenix TK35). It has an amazing amount of light output and it has two flash settings. I use it to get motorists attention if I am crossing at a stop sign. I don't use the full power setting as it can incapacitate and I don't want a motorist or bicycle rider to suddenly lose control. However, on one occasion, I wanted to cross Queen Street and I set it to the fast flash setting. Cars in both direction came to a halt. I did once, by accident turn it on at full power to help a bicycle rider who was approaching me on the sidewalk see me as I was between streetlights. He almost fell off his bike. He was not happy.But to to point, most people are extremely distracted today and as a pedestrian, it is my responsibility to look after my own safety. Having that flashlight certainly helps.

I hope you were helping him to find the street where he belonged.
Toronto police have announced a blitz on jaywalking. $50 fine so I guess I better start going to the corner.

make it $250 and the are likely never to do it again :)
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