With the one involving the woman who was hit and run, apparently afterwards she was lying on the road and drivers were just driving around her. What is wrong with people.
So, this came out by way of the media but a quote from the police in one article indicated they cannot confirm if that was actually true. Either way...
When I first heard that, I too was like WTF is wrong with people. But reading the articles again, BOTH people who actually hit her stopped at the scene. However, was NOT stopping really wrong of other drivers? It sounds crazy to drive around a body but I always thought you should not move a body at the scene of an accident if seriously injured (due to potential harm) or dead (for scene reconstruction). Granted this probably doesn't apply if in the middle of a highway because they'll definitely get run over again but on a street that is probably going VERY slow at that point maybe not as much of an issue.
If drivers DID stop, what more could they have done that the two stopped drivers couldn't? The only thing I think this would accomplish is a backup of cars, rubbernecking, and MORE collisions.
Someone correct me if my logic is wrong. Maybe there's something I'm not considering.