Local Auto Thefts

My anti theft device:
Only safe because it’s not beige. 🤔
A V-Strom?!?

Wowsers. You don't see a lot of those on GTAM...
Technically its not a GTAM member selling it.
Just helping out a friend with listing exposure.

We for sure would welcome a new Vstrom owner here.
The same reason for you are "guilty" if your dog attacks a trespasser on your property.

Depends on the nature of the trespass.

According to the Ontario Dog Owner's Liability Act: R.S.O. 1990, c. D.16, s. 3 (2).

Protection of persons or property​

Where a person is on premises with the intention of committing, or in the commission of, a criminal act on the premises and incurs damage caused by being bitten or attacked by a dog, the owner is not liable under section 2 unless the keeping of the dog on the premises was unreasonable for the purpose of the protection of persons or property.

A thief breaking into your house cannot hold the owner liable for any attacks.

But if your dog bites a kid cutting across your unfenced lawn to get to school, you will probably be held liable.

And I know the next question will probably be "what constitutes an unlawful or criminal trespass?".

That's covered here in Trespass to Property Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.21

Prohibition of entry​

(1) Entry on premises may be prohibited by notice to that effect and entry is prohibited without any notice on premises,

(a) that is a garden, field or other land that is under cultivation, including a lawn, orchard, vineyard and premises on which trees have been planted and have not attained an average height of more than two metres and woodlots on land used primarily for agricultural purposes; or

(b) that is enclosed in a manner that indicates the occupier’s intention to keep persons off the premises or to keep animals on the premises. .
The same reason for you are "guilty" if your dog attacks a trespasser on your property.
I worry about my mastiffs eating some miscreant that burglarizes my place.
Would rather take a bat to them myself.
The dogs would likely get put down for it and i would get a big bump in my homeowners insurance from the resulting lawsuit.
If i give them what they deserve i can game the criminal justice system just like a proper crook and walk away with barely a slap on wrist or even less.
Modern living LOL.
Why aren't we allowed to keep/use guns for self defense again?
Because having a gun for "self defense" is a fallacy.
You are 100 times more likely to shoot yourself or a family member than use the gun for "defense"
The chances of gun suicide, the biggest number of gun deaths world wide, in your home go up by 1,000%
The largest cause of death of children in the US is gun shots, a lot of 'em when the kid finds Dad's gun.
There's more....

I read part of a study recently released, and they couldn't find ONE instance of a woman stopping a rape with a gun in the last 10 yrs. in the US. I don't remember the numbers for gun preventing crimes, but I do remember that you are something like 10,000% more likely to injure yourself with your gun than stop a crime.
For each crime a gun prevents, there are huge number of crimes committed with a gun.

... and being a conscientious Canadian gun owner: Are you going to ask the intruder to hold on sec there bud, while I open my gun safe to grab my Glock?.... no, no just a sec, the bullets are in the kitchen... I'll be right with you....
... or have you ever tried swinging a AR around INSIDE the house?
Are you gonna start BLASTIN' with your kids in the house?

WHY? Because SMART people have thought about it and wrote laws. Come up with any real data that supports the idea of guns being "self defense" and they'll be glad to listen.
... You DO know that the "Wild West" and John Wayne types are 100% Hollywood and never happened. Gun reality is the streets of Chicago. Highest "gun" murder rate in Canada? North West Territories... which has one of the highest rates per capita gun ownership in Canada... coincidence?

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