Recalls before the 70's may or may not have existed. But, the govt & consumer groups are far more involved now than ever, hence the massive amts of recalls.
No idea what you're talking about re: business trends etc. If you knew how long it takes to bring a vehicle from the drawing board to mass production, you'd know more about quality ratings. Companies are all about 'repairs per 100 units'. What they consider "acceptable" is heartbreaking.
And yeah, I don't recall defending garbage, but if I did, I apologize now. (post a link, if you don't mind)
IMO, all vehicles are over priced crap.
I've owned Honda Accords for 3.5 decades. Regarding their quality - I don't shove it down anyone's throat. It's my decision to own them because I'm just trying to minimize my losses, and Honda cars work for me.
I'm afraid to drive my F-150 in case it breaks down, so it sits until I
really need to use it. (25,000kms - 5yrs
Fastar - you missed my old point - driving home the Union message.
Now the auto makers are using the Union term, one of the benefits we striked for and walked the picket lines - "Pay what we Pay".
Thank a Union for that one & if you just had the weekend off, you owe 'em one!!
p.s. don't start.