Are you kidding me!!? These guys are such a joke! I saw 2 of these dudes late Saturday night going up DVP to 401 east. I was actually riding a friends bike( 05 Vtr), so although i have ridden it a couple times still not the most familar... anyways, so these guys were bookin it up the dvp, i was staying behind them about a half k, then i see then going the same way as me to the eastbound collector express, now being so far back I was like ok Im proly gonna lose them now, nooope! hahaha these guys practically stop going into the on ramp and do turtle speed! I literally flew by in the right lane doing 120 and hold the line, took them about 1 -2 mins, before they blew by me at like 180!
They cant ride at all!! They go straight and fast! thats it!
Either way, shows what tools they are by posting the vid in the first place!