Life on 2 TV: Nightrun Toronto (Bike Bullrun)


Life on 2 TV's Nightrun in Toronto, Canada
Raw Footage of Highway run


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Mighta bin fun 2 do, but boring to watch.
boring, welcome to toronto, straight lines, late at night with a few cars on the road...i fell asleep a few seconds in on the highway...
Yeah... that was kind of a rhetorical question. It's just so friggin cliche, it's comical. Maybe i'm just growing up a little. meh

This stuff makes me laugh too.

I think I'll make a video of me playing with my nephew's pookie bear then I'll add some techno beats and a melodramatic intro, then I'll call it something like "Days of the Grizzly" so that people will think I'm badazz like these guys too! LOL!!!!
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Where you guys able to get to Timmines on time? From the looks of the video you were running a bit late.
Anyone notice how slow they took that onramp but went fast when the road became straight.

Dude, do what you will, you know the risks but all I see here is video evidence....... And it aint hard to tell where ya crew hangs at B. Jus sayin.
what are they, afraid to corner?? that onramp onto the 401 west from kennedy.. my grandma on a scooter can take that corner faster
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