License Plate Stickers

I will be spending time in Backwoods Holler TN this fall.
When I did the online renewal of my motorcycle registration all I got was the option to print what basically is a receipt for payment of $0.00 for 2 years. To me that looked like something I could run of a phone/computer with a basic note app.
I remember back when Alberta did away with front plates and it resulted in a lot of tickets if you left the province or went to the US.
After research I discovered you can go to Sevice Ontario office and get the official looking form they used to use, complete with expiry date for for 1 or 2 years.
I will also peel off the expired sticker.
I work part time at Home Depot Tool Rental where we rent vans and about 20% of customers have expired drivers licenses and/or vehicle insurance. With insurance it is usully forgetting to put the new document in the vehicle or an image on your phone.

Beware!! Big Brother is Watching. Your plate can be optically scanned from a overpass, traffic light and elsewhere to determine if the vehicle has current registration AND current insurance. You (or the owner of the vehicle) no longer need to be stopped to get a ticket.
I can hear the screaming from here, This is Not Fair, but to put it in prospective the City of Edmonton pulls in a million dollars a month with photo radar. It is probably more since Edmonton privatized photo radar.
I've never heard if photo-tickets for expired plates and I doubt we'll get there. Way too many vehicles running around with plates that dont belong on them. It's hard to prove the picture wasnt you. All opp cars now have alpr. Shooting fish in a barrel with so many expired plates and licenses. Cop talking to driver can confirm driver/owner of vehicle.
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