License Plate Stickers

On the back of the Ontario paper licence document they still put a white sticker which gives the month and year of renewal. So I gather that sticker indicates you renewed for either 1 or 2 years from that month and year and the validation/registration is good until that year and the end of the month on the sticker.
Without new plate stickers you won't be getting ownership stickers. The onus is on you to log in to Service Ontario and update your information before it expires. You can set up a reminder. The gendarmes are investing in new plate readers (OPP anyway) for the cruisers will is supposed to provide them that information in real time.
Without plate stickers, is there any way to tell if a borrowed vehicle has valid plates?

Does the ticket go to the driver, or to the registered owner?
Without plate stickers, is there any way to tell if a borrowed vehicle has valid plates?

Does the ticket go to the driver, or to the registered owner?
Interesting question. I dont know how to check if plates are valid. That being said, on the rare occasion that I borrow a vehicle, I don't check plate/insurance/ownership.

Driver gets the ticket at it's their responsibility to check.
The question only occurred to me because I'm babysitting a friend's truck while he's in Florida for the winter. The registration expires while he's away. Fortunately he remembered to renew, but other than taking his word for it I can't be sure.

Do rental or car share companies have the same registration renewal rules? Getting pulled over still sucks even if they reimburse you for the $500 ticket.
The question only occurred to me because I'm babysitting a friend's truck while he's in Florida for the winter. The registration expires while he's away. Fortunately he remembered to renew, but other than taking his word for it I can't be sure.

Do rental or car share companies have the same registration renewal rules? Getting pulled over still sucks even if they reimburse you for the $500 ticket.
If you have the ownership just try and renew it online if it is good it will tell you if not then it will be when you are done.

Sent from the future
Without new plate stickers you won't be getting ownership stickers. The onus is on you to log in to Service Ontario and update your information before it expires. You can set up a reminder. The gendarmes are investing in new plate readers (OPP anyway) for the cruisers will is supposed to provide them that information in real time.

My 2 stickers expired in October. I renewed for 2 years and printed out the receipt to have in my SUV and on the bike.

As as FYI, prior to heading to the US in early Feb. for a few weeks I removed the SUV plate, left the sticker end soaking in hot water for 30 minutes and 99% of it peeled right off, residue came off with Goo Be Gone. Will do same for the bike in the spring. This eliminates another state / province questioning an expired sticker issue, small as the likelihood of this may be.
My 2 stickers expired in October. I renewed for 2 years and printed out the receipt to have in my SUV and on the bike.

As as FYI, prior to heading to the US in early Feb. for a few weeks I removed the SUV plate, left the sticker end soaking in hot water for 30 minutes and 99% of it peeled right off, residue came off with Goo Be Gone. Will do same for the bike in the spring. This eliminates another state / province questioning an expired sticker issue, small as the likelihood of this may be.
I dont think it's that small. IIRC QC was already doing this. Every jurisdiction loves to fundraise from travellers and this is an easy one. Iirc, some have a law against displaying expired validation so not only do you get the ticket, you are guilty and it's hard to beat.
The question only occurred to me because I'm babysitting a friend's truck while he's in Florida for the winter. The registration expires while he's away. Fortunately he remembered to renew, but other than taking his word for it I can't be sure.

Do rental or car share companies have the same registration renewal rules? Getting pulled over still sucks even if they reimburse you for the $500 ticket.

Does Ontario still give out the tiny sticker that you're supposed to attach to your ownership? If that's the case, you can open up the ownership to see if the sticker is in there. There's an expiry date on it.
Does Ontario still give out the tiny sticker that you're supposed to attach to your ownership? If that's the case, you can open up the ownership to see if the sticker is in there. There's an expiry date on it.
Apparently if you renew at a SO office yes but if you renew online no. I haven't had to renew in the new system yet.
I dont think it's that small. IIRC QC was already doing this. Every jurisdiction loves to fundraise from travellers and this is an easy one. Iirc, some have a law against displaying expired validation so not only do you get the ticket, you are guilty and it's hard to beat.

Well, who knows. I don't like being taken advantage of by some idiot LEO in Quebec or Georgia so removing the sticker, for me, is a no brainer.
Just don't use a heat gun to remove them, you may pull off bits of the plate itself

Yes I learned this the hard way

Oh sure NOW you tell me.

yeah I learned the hard way as well.

Do rental or car share companies have the same registration renewal rules?

True commercial use vehicles still need stickers - was issued one for the plate on my tractor at work back in November or December. So I suspect rental vehicles still have them as well.
Oh sure NOW you tell me.

yeah I learned the hard way as well.

True commercial use vehicles still need stickers - was issued one for the plate on my tractor at work back in November or December. So I suspect rental vehicles still have them as well.
If you had a plate old enough to be painted instead of a sticker, a heat gun probably works. My cage plate is from late 80's or early 90's.
If you had a plate old enough to be painted instead of a sticker, a heat gun probably works. My cage plate is from late 80's or early 90's.

I have my old mid 90's original motorcycle plate somewhere from when I first started riding, but my current plate is one of the new plastic film over the stamped aluminum ones, and yeah, when I tried to peel off all the old stickers part of the plate covering itself came off as well, so now there's some bare aluminum showing. Kinda looks a bit ******, but I don't look at it often enough for it to bother me enough to get a new plate for the cosmetics alone.
I will be spending time in Backwoods Holler TN this fall.
When I did the online renewal of my motorcycle registration all I got was the option to print what basically is a receipt for payment of $0.00 for 2 years. To me that looked like something I could run of a phone/computer with a basic note app.
I remember back when Alberta did away with front plates and it resulted in a lot of tickets if you left the province or went to the US.
After research I discovered you can go to Sevice Ontario office and get the official looking form they used to use, complete with expiry date for for 1 or 2 years.
I will also peel off the expired sticker.
I work part time at Home Depot Tool Rental where we rent vans and about 20% of customers have expired drivers licenses and/or vehicle insurance. With insurance it is usully forgetting to put the new document in the vehicle or an image on your phone.

Beware!! Big Brother is Watching. Your plate can be optically scanned from a overpass, traffic light and elsewhere to determine if the vehicle has current registration AND current insurance. You (or the owner of the vehicle) no longer need to be stopped to get a ticket.
I can hear the screaming from here, This is Not Fair, but to put it in prospective the City of Edmonton pulls in a million dollars a month with photo radar. It is probably more since Edmonton privatized photo radar.
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