License Plate Not Visible - WTH?

You gotta admit its ironic and funny that cops and their fanboys will cry and whine when they're all painted by the same brush, but they openly do it to the public all the time. lol

The stock location and setup, and only the stock location and setup, are legal. Any modification of the placement of the plate, and the turn signals, for that matter, are illegal.

Will a cop give you a hard time over it? Maybe, maybe not. That squidrun is clearly going to make things more complicated for sport bike riders, and I totally get it. We are all ambassadors of our sport, whether we want to be or not.

You don't want to be hassled? Ride conservatively and don't modify your bike. Choose to ride aggressively on the street and mod? Suck it up when it comes back around, and don't whine on the intertubes.

What ever happened to personal responsibility...
You gotta admit its ironic and funny that cops and their fanboys will cry and whine when they're all painted by the same brush, but they openly do it to the public all the time. lol
actually, mess with cops all you like

there are rules that apply to everyone,

some rules apply to them,

and they have their own,

not sayin' it can't be done but good luck going there, they certainly ain't the bottom line, usually
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You gotta admit its ironic and funny that ftp types and their fanboys will cry and whine when they're all painted by the same brush, but they openly do it to the public all the time. lol

bottom line is good luck going there, or defending in any way, ludicrous bike swarming activity,

whatever anyone thinks of cops, they are gonna do their jobs, just like anything else, good, bad & ugly
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Why? 50-100 bikers represent all of us? Then the 50 **** cops represent all of them, I guess.
OP, you know thats illegal... lol..

Just like those lowered civics with giant 5 inch fart cans and HID reflector lights are asking for popo attention......

You are not at the track, noone is taking photos of you so you will look good. put it back in the stock location and let it be.

Now, if the cops give you a ticket for not having the 2 side reflectors on the front forks, then you can complain. lol...
come on man, the "in an effort to show "auntie Kathleen" loves the" bit is good stuff lol,


You gotta admit its ironic and funny that cops and their fanboys will cry and whine when they're all painted by the same brush, but they openly do it to the public all the time. lol

Do wool bearing mammals even get irony?


The stock location and setup, and only the stock location and setup, are legal. Any modification of the placement of the plate, and the turn signals, for that matter, are illegal.

Um, not actually.
Where do you have it mounted?

The stock location on any bike does not require it to be "raised up a little" for tire clearance.

The plate is supposed to be at the rear, not tucked under the fender which is where I suspect you have it.

Thank the crowd of idiots last weekend for the extra enforcement.

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I like how the OP stated his case in his first post.
He made it seem like it should be fine because he bought it that way. Like why the HelI would the police see anything wrong with that?

If overhead cameras can't get your plate, except tickets.

This brings up a way to make money.If I had a GSXR or a CBR or something common,[ with stock plate mount] I would post which bike I had and offer people the opportunity to meet at Timmies, Mount your plate on my bike so that you can show the Judge that it has been fixed.

I make some coin, you get out of a ticket.

Like how the hell are they going to know if the pictured bike is yours?
... until another cop (or, worse, the same cop) sees you on the road AGAIN with the plate in the incorrect location, and sees in the records that you've already been pulled over for that with the charge dismissed afterward.

... and then the prosecutor the next time around sees that you've had the same charge twice on the same vehicle with a claim that it had been fixed in between, except now it isn't, i.e. you are flagrantly disregarding the law.

Then, you be in a whooooole heap o' trouble.
I've never heard of this happening before. more details including pics.

I got one back on June 16th in Stayner ON, Still waiting for my court date. Picture was taken after I bent the plate a few degrees and asked how that was for


I wonder if the 407 would pick up the cops plate here?
It is under that top box.

Maybe he should get a ticket.

I got one back on June 16th in Stayner ON, Still waiting for my court date. Picture was taken after I bent the plate a few degrees and asked how that was for


The negative attention that "motorcycle awareness ride" brought to the general public, will need to be counter balanced, by the media showing the police are keeping us safe crackdown. May also at some point if the right politician sees it result in S172 type legislation being proposed, in an effort to show "auntie Kathleen" loves the

Glad to see you admitting that the police play politics.

to say the least, good & well deserved,

the activity was flagrant, blatant & outrageous, might as well be begging for a major show of force in response,

keep it up & expect more & more

good stuff here lol

must be lotsa cry babies out there who often start out with plaintiff wails first thing, when it comes to cop encounters

then then the never ending ins. concerns,

welcome to the real world, where the majority rule

want attention? guess what?!?!! just go there all you like!

Hedo was warning about a political reality, that when the police can't catch the riders who were involved in that ride, they need to play politics by publicly cracking down on any sport bike rider. To say that all sport bike riders deserve this is to simply show your own prejudices and therefore the irrelevance of your opinions.

Why? 50-100 bikers represent all of us? Then the 50 **** cops represent all of them, I guess.

Fair point.

So if it's fair to target all sport bike riders in response to that ride, it's fair to paint all cops with the same brush after every You Tube video of a cop beating or shooting someone in a defenceless position, after a judge came down on certain officers for fabricating evidence to get warrants, after the recent Star report of rampant discrimination against female officers by their own male colleagues, after Chief Saunders refused to condemn or stop carding etc ... Uh, maybe different after all!
I got one back on June 16th in Stayner ON, Still waiting for my court date. Picture was taken after I bent the plate a few degrees and asked how that was for


What a f***ing loser cop. Nothing better to do than harass riders. Not sure how it looked before you bent it..but how is that any harder to read than stock? His is just as bad!

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Got a small hassle in a ride program the other night. My plate is directly under my taillight on an angle of about 15 degrees (bottom forward) and completely visible to camera's etc.

First he tried saying
"Your plate cannot be on any angle".

I asked him to cite the section HTA which states as much. He replied
"Look I'm just letting you know; anyway, it has to further back than any of the body work".

I again asked him where exactly in the HTA I would find that. He again stated
"I'm just telling you I could write you a ticket. Bend it back"

I replied "But it's completely visible; zero obstruction; exactly as required by the HTA", to which I received a ridiculously flippant "Have a good night" and I was on my way :rolleyes:
Make certain you order undertail kit that will fit Ontario plate size. Many don't (like Yoshimura). They're all priced ridiculous and will still get you pulled over because you just gave the popo a reason to pull you over. Anything other than stock gives them reason to investigate you, crackdowns or not. Keep the stock mudflap and shorten it a bit if it's ridiculously large (like Honda CBR's). Keeping the stock mudflap has had me pulled over zero times.
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I wonder if the 407 would pick up the cops plate here?
It is under that top box.

Maybe he should get a ticket.
Good eye! Technically that's an undertail kit. So they are handing out tickets for the same crime they're commiting. As well they are stunting on public highways by riding side-by-side. This is going to make a great media story when the press gets ahold of it!

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Got a small hassle in a ride program the other night. My plate is directly under my taillight on an angle of about 15 degrees (bottom forward) and completely visible to camera's etc.

First he tried saying
"Your plate cannot be on any angle".

I asked him to cite the section HTA which states as much. He replied
"Look I'm just letting you know; anyway, it has to further back than any of the body work".

I again asked him where exactly in the HTA I would find that. He again stated
"I'm just telling you I could write you a ticket. Bend it back"

I replied "But it's completely visible; zero obstruction; exactly as required by the HTA", to which I received a ridiculously flippant "Have a good night" and I was on my way :rolleyes:

id'a said sure after the highlighted part, cop was out to lunch from the get go but willing to let it go

he didn't know what he was talking about, you did, i don't see the point of rubbing it in, he was sorta saying "we're looking at plates" but obviously hasn't been covered well or maybe dude's just a goof

could end up tho as a result that they get more clear on bottom lines

cop was obviously shooting off his mouth at a wrong guy who is outa his league

their own bikes don't even meet lol
"Look I'm just letting you know; anyway, it has to further back than any of the body work"

someone doesn't know what they are talking about from the get go & close minded to boot, no point in going there, usually

had you gone about it a diff way, coulda been a friendly chat (regardless of what you may think of him) & he mighta been open to listening & learning some facts

cop was likely just covering that part of his work, the best he could, or knows how, throwing out inane threats for good measure lol, after being lightly challenged with realities

came across mostly like either one of you could be bothered much with the other, he got bent (agitated) & so did you, mostly chattin' past each other (good bet 2 diff worlds), even tho you were clear direct & right on point

for most folks, a cop showing clear signs of ready to back down & moving on, whatever might be going on, is the quick way out & doesn't involve or invite more chit chat

you can also take any beef higher up after, no point in arguing with clueless wonders particularly when/if they can often easily ding you ...depending

especially if/when offered outs

no doubt 'plates talk' is going on in cop circles after the recent swarmings & good bet lots more to come, a good measure of heat, one way or another

this site has plenty of juicy goods/info to look over

as far as
to which I received a ridiculously flippant "Have a good night" and I was on my way

what you expect him to say under the circumstances?? it's another way of sayin' gfy.. & stayin' outa trouble
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