License Plate Not Visible - WTH?

Just a word, of caution, many are advising that this will basically be an "automatic drop" by the crown. It will depend if the ticket notes indicate that the officer was aware at the time of the offence that you had received the warning, on the previous Friday. IF he ran your plate and the warning popped up and the officer made note of that on the ticket the crown "may" be less likely inclined to drop it.

I understand you had ordered the parts, Hopefully you ordered a STOCK fender, BUT you had been warned that riding with it in the current location was illegal and you choose to continue to ride it in that state. Unless you want another ticket, until that STOCK fender arrives take a drill drill new holes for the current brackets and at least move the plate to the rear most point you can properly secure it.

He knew about the warning beforehand because I told him. He acted like he wasn't going to ticket me but when he came back after 30 mins, he issued me the ticket. I had to remind him that I received a warning 2 days before! He was acting clueless... On the ticket it says "Drive motor vehicle, plate improperly displayed"
Here we go again...
Haha. My exact thoughts too...

Plates are now a big issue after the mob ride for motorcycle awareness
Worst case scenario is that you'll be charged of the offence, but they will offer you a reduced fine of $20.
Most likely scenario is that they will simply drop it. The prosecutor most likely won't even look at your picture other than a cursory glance.
This is a called a paper fine and it has no bearing on your insurance.

If your time is worth it to go to court for 2 hours then do it, if not mail in the cheque.
Most riders, (even fair weather riders), ride until well after Thanksgiving. The long weekend would be a prime enforcement period. Would also be great time with the normal "media awareness" for a zero tolerance approach with shots of multiple motorcycles on tow trucks.

The negative attention that "motorcycle awareness ride" brought to the general public, will need to be counter balanced, by the media showing the police are keeping us safe crackdown. May also at some point if the right politician sees it result in S172 type legislation being proposed, in an effort to show "auntie Kathleen" loves the

"Crackdown next month" lol ..

Might be a little too late in the season for that, unless they plan on targetting snowmobiles.
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Appreciate the responses everyone! Ya'll have educated me quite a bit on this issue. I have a good idea on how to tackle this now.

Also, Ashtonator, are you sure insurance will not increase because of this?
In both cases when i asked around everyone said it won. But i never got to that point since both times they dropped my ticket at the court before i even needed to talk to the judge.
If you fix it and bring proof, they'll most likely drop it. Almost guaranteed.
He knew about the warning beforehand because I told him. He acted like he wasn't going to ticket me but when he came back after 30 mins, he issued me the ticket. I had to remind him that I received a warning 2 days before! He was acting clueless... On the ticket it says "Drive motor vehicle, plate improperly displayed"

If you were given a warning, it will be recorded on the police computer information system. ANY officer which pulls you over upon running your name will be aware of the warning. This is so people can't say "oh really I never knew that" every time they are stopped. In the 80's if an officer wrote you a warning, the ONLY officer that knew about that warning was that officer, and "maybe" whoever filed it. Not so anymore.

As for the wording of the charge that is the wording as per the HTA, (Highway Traffic Act). If you google the wording and HTA the section will return in the results and you can read the subsections which cover most scenarios.

Also just giving you a heads up, it is likely if you show up with proof the bike is back to stock it will get dropped, but not guaranteed, best to have all the info, then go in thinking "I got this" and getting a nasty surprise
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due to the asshats pulling their crap there is going to be a "strong and clear message sent to the riding community as a whole
to say the least, good & well deserved,

the activity was flagrant, blatant & outrageous, might as well be begging for a major show of force in response,

keep it up & expect more & more

good stuff here lol
Big shot cop starts harassing us about our license plates.
must be lotsa cry babies out there who often start out with plaintiff wails first thing, when it comes to cop encounters

then then the never ending ins. concerns,

welcome to the real world, where the majority rule

want attention? guess what?!?!! just go there all you like!
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He knew about the warning beforehand because I told him. He acted like he wasn't going to ticket me but when he came back after 30 mins, he issued me the ticket. I had to remind him that I received a warning 2 days before! He was acting clueless... On the ticket it says "Drive motor vehicle, plate improperly displayed"

So in other words you admitted to him that you knew the plate location was "problematic". That admission by you can be brought up as evidence at trial if you choose to fight the ticket, and that admission may make the prosecutor even less inclined to withdraw the ticket.
The negative attention that "motorcycle awareness ride" brought to the general public, will need to be counter balanced, by the media showing the police are keeping us safe crackdown. May also at some point if the right politician sees it result in S172 type legislation being proposed, in an effort to show "auntie Kathleen" loves the

Funny, the only people still talking about this are leo's and the usual suspects here. Honestly, it's been mentioned to me once by a none rider.
So in other words you admitted to him that you knew the plate location was "problematic". That admission by you can be brought up as evidence at trial if you choose to fight the ticket, and that admission may make the prosecutor even less inclined to withdraw the ticket.
Thankfully, most prosecutors are likely far less contemptuous then the our dear griffster.

@RKR6 You said you ordered parts after the warning right? Bring evidence of this if you can.
Originally Posted by RKR6

He knew about the warning beforehand because I told him. He acted like he wasn't going to ticket me but when he came back after 30 mins, he issued me the ticket. I had to remind him that I received a warning 2 days before! He was acting clueless... On the ticket it says "Drive motor vehicle, plate improperly displayed"
So in other words you admitted to him that you knew the plate location was "problematic". That admission by you can be brought up as evidence at trial if you choose to fight the ticket, and that admission may make the prosecutor even less inclined to withdraw the ticket.

and the op talks about the cop "acting clueless.." lol

no doubt on a one on one, anything you say can & will be used against you
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Originally Posted by hedo2002

The negative attention that "motorcycle awareness ride" brought to the general public, will need to be counter balanced, by the media showing the police are keeping us safe crackdown. May also at some point if the right politician sees it result in S172 type legislation being proposed, in an effort to show "auntie Kathleen" loves the

Funny, the only people still talking about this are leo's and the usual suspects here. Honestly, it's been mentioned to me once by a none rider.

come on man, the "in an effort to show "auntie Kathleen" loves the" bit is good stuff lol,

not to mention the rest is right on
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Were you warned earlier by another officer before getting the ticket?
"yes, two days before getting the ticket...I proceeded to rectify the problem by ordering the appropriate harness from the motorcycle manufacturer. It didn't show up in time for me to install on the bike."

Why so much doom and gloom over plates? I have an after market plate holder on my SS and been in front of bunch of cops yesterday and today. Happy to report no issues. Of course, the plate is very visible, so there's that.
Oh, it has happened before. But with last weekend's events, expect plenty of extra enforcement of this. Lots of bikes with improperly mounted plates were involved. If the cops can't find those riders and ticket them for those events, they can at least fish out a few by enforcement of license plates. Sure, it will also get a bunch of other who weren't involved. But the message will be sent to the whole motorcycle community.

If you license plate isn't in the stock location and legal then fix it.

If that requires buying stock parts because you don't have them... That's your problem.

If having a stock legal plate makes people act responsibly because they can now be identified... maybe that's the point.

Thank the idiots for this.

I was away riding in the US last weekend.
What happened?
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Originally Posted by Brian P

Oh, it has happened before. But with last weekend's events, expect plenty of extra enforcement of this. Lots of bikes with improperly mounted plates were involved. If the cops can't find those riders and ticket them for those events, they can at least fish out a few by enforcement of license plates. Sure, it will also get a bunch of other who weren't involved. But the message will be sent to the whole motorcycle community.

If you license plate isn't in the stock location and legal then fix it.

If that requires buying stock parts because you don't have them... That's your problem.

If having a stock legal plate makes people act responsibly because they can now be identified... maybe that's the point.

Thank the idiots for this.
I was away riding in the US last weekend.
What happened?

went like this
Plenty of aftermarket mounts wont garner attention. Your mount is garbage and way too tucked.
OP if you or your buddies run into anybody from last weeks ' spirited fun ride' , just say thanks and punch them in the nuts.
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