Lets Go Blue Jays...

From the leaf's twitter:

Congrats @BlueJays on winning the ALDS!
@JoeyBats19 if you could get your bat that landed on the Air Canada Centre roof, that'd be great.
I like watching it in an endless loop:

Not saying the Jays would have lost, but the Rangers really botched that inning. 3 infield errors? eesh
And from another angle:
Rangers had the highest number of errors this season. It finally came back to hurt them this series.......

That's what I heard on the radio......
They ranked 29th in the league in defense. It was bound to happen, just no one expected all at once.
All by Elvis Andrus too. He must have been a popular guy in the dugout after the game.
Tried to make an Elvis Andrus #1 blue jays jersey but mlb.com wouldn't let me
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