Left and right turns

They're important people. The truck knows not to mess with them.

That's why I drive a 12 year old minivan. Only missing the soccer ball decal.
I just wait when turning left if there's a car making a right. I don't trust anyone's driving ability.

Yup ... regardless of other conditions, I always try to synchronize my turn so that I don't arrive in the intersection at the same time as the opposing driver, in case they do it wrong. If that means waiting a moment until they're done, so be it.

Making a right or left turn is required by HTA to be made into the corresponding lane on the road you are turning on to. If that's not the lane you want to be in for whatever reason, the subsequent lane change is a completely separate action with its own signal, mirror check, and shoulder check. Seems to me that at least 90% of drivers don't understand this.

When Timmy is first in line waiting for an advanced green:
Cross traffic light has turned red, take my foot off the brake and start rolling, on the gas the instant I get the green arrow.

When anyone else is first in line waiting for an advanced green and Timmy is behind them:
What does that cloud look like to you?? I think it looks like.... a duck... Oh I my arrow just turned red, I'll go now!

Haha ... the instant the first photons from the green signal reach my eyes, I want to be accelerating ... and to add to that ...

When Brian is in the row of traffic waiting for a green signal, Brian aims to start moving the same instant the car in front does and maintain the same distance behind their bumper until we get up to a speed where that's no longer reasonable. (If the whole row of traffic starts moving together, maybe we'll all get home on time.) When anyone else is in the row of traffic... "Oh, look. The car that was in front three seconds ago isn't there any more. Maybe I can start moving now."

We need a new traffic offense. Failure to mash the accelerator all the way to the floor within 0.1 seconds of green traffic signal.

Or maybe we need to start handing out reaction-time slips. Fastest 60-foot time wins. That's about enough to get through most intersections.
What's worse is the number of people that turn right FROM the left lane and left from the right lane.
This is definitely a pet peeve. I insist on making my left at the same time as a right turner but I will leave myself plenty of margin in case the other driver chooses not to acknowledge me which happens at least 50% of the time.

What's worse is the number of people that turn right FROM the left lane and left from the right lane.

^This is becoming a bigger problem in my observation. Half the time they have the wrong signal blinking too.

Another peeve, are people who treat every green light as an advance green. The first row of oncoming traffic has to hit the brakes to let the idiot complete a rushed left turn... into the far lane no less. Just witnessed this 30 min ago.
Transports can be maneuverable but yeah I'd give them some slack.
I saw an accident just barely avoided this weekend in front of me when a truck was in the left lane signaling left when all of a sudden he swerves way into the right lane (as a car was passing him in that lane) before completing his left turn. Missed the car by about 6 inches only because the other driver swerved off the road to avoid it.
Another peeve, are people who treat every green light as an advance green. The first row of oncoming traffic has to hit the brakes to let the idiot complete a rushed left turn... into the far lane no less. Just witnessed this 30 min ago.
Pretty sure I read somewhere that's covered under 172.

I also have a problem that when I have an advanced green to make a left, idiots making a right on red will go in front of me or pedestrians will run out in front of me. Had a few close calls with this.
Pretty sure I read somewhere that's covered under 172.

I also have a problem that when I have an advanced green to make a left, idiots making a right on red will go in front of me or pedestrians will run out in front of me. Had a few close calls with this.

Yup, it's in the racing section of the definitions.

The second is an issue of people not bothering to come to a complete stop, as is legally required. I seem to be one of the few left who actually does, in the proper manner.
Yup, it's in the racing section of the definitions.

The second is an issue of people not bothering to come to a complete stop, as is legally required. I seem to be one of the few left who actually does, in the proper manner.
Oh no, they'll stop, wait right until I have my green left turn signal, and drive in front of me as soon as I go.
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Oh no, they'll stop, wait right until I have my green left turn signal, and drive in front of me as soon as I go.

Then I'd be willing to bet that where they stop is in the crosswalk, or at the very least past the thick white line. That's actually a failure to stop, under the HTA.
Then I'd be willing to bet that where they stop is in the crosswalk, or at the very least past the thick white line. That's actually a failure to stop, under the HTA.
Well that doesn't bother me at all. The driving in front of me, does.
I'm driving across Langstaff this morning and a truck ? starts to turn left out of a driveway going the same direction as I am. I'm in the right lane, he turns so wide that he's half in my lane as I'm approaching. I honk at him, after I have to hit the brakes, and he looks at me like I'm the @hole!
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