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Jordan also comes highly recommended.

That I’ll get to. I had the chance to cross the border into Jordan when I was in Israel but I ran out of time. I did see quite a bit of Israel, saw the disparity even then, listened to some Palestinians who lived there. Got interrogated for an hour or so at Ben Gurion airport, then left.
I in So. FL the first 2 weeks in November - should be epic.

The last time I was this excited about a trip was 35 years ago.
Wow! That pic takes me back. Squeeze & I passed thru Checkpoint Charlie in 88. DDR was about the only stamp in our passport that was more than one colour. (harder to fake??)
Wow! That pic takes me back. Squeeze & I passed thru Checkpoint Charlie in 88. DDR was about the only stamp in our passport that was more than one colour. (harder to fake??)
We overstayed curfew by 90 minutes, the gal I was travelling with was unskilled in the art of facilitation so we got a night in jail.
Sadly, Canada doesn't do a lot of checking into benefit fraud. Those who paid into CPP are entitled to keep it no matter where the live. OAS, no, Child Tax Credits no, -- but these are still paid to an enormous number of people living outside Canada.

When I was a banker, I'd see this quite often. I don't like disclosing all the details of the schemes because they are so simple. I've seen people living 1/2 way around the world collecting Canadian Federal, Provincial and Child tax benefits over $40K/annum. Not 1 or 2... lots.

It's amazing how many CPP pensioners live past 100 while living abroad.
Since the employer matches the employee CPP, half of the CPP should be withheld, ideally going back to the employer. The latter part of that could be cumbersome so being withheld by Ottawa would be fair. They will find a prudent way to spend it.

To make it simple everyone gets two months out of the country full benefits. After that each month costs you ten percent.
So weird how Israel isn’t on so many countries Xmas Card list.

Anyway, I always wanted to visit Syria, Lebanon etc. I guess it’s going to be a very long time before I do that.
I was fortunate enough to backpack through Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Israel in one trip.

This was in 2011 when the Arab uprisings in certain countries were occurring. We were also supposed to roam around Egypt and fly out of Cairo to come home, but Cairo and northern Egypt became the hotspot for protests. Tourists coming from Egypt advised against going there, so we stuck around Israel a bit longer and flew home out of Tel Aviv.

Because we had travelled through Lebanon, Syria and Jordan before Israel, I got the full lube treatment arriving in Eilat and then also when flying out of Tel Aviv. My wife who has blond hair and blue eyes was treated like a princess. No lube treatment to get into the West Bank though which was wierd.

Out of those countries I liked Syria the best. We had the most amazing treatment by the locals there who made sure we were very well taken care of safe. And the same type of falafel we paid $4 for in Beirut, we paid 35cents for in rural Syria. I think my wife liked Israel the best because of the easy ability to have a glass of wine in a cafe and how women are treated vs the Arab countries, but she did just fine in those countries too.

A couple months after we left the middle east many of the major historical sites we visited started getting completely bombed and destroyed.
Can't comprehend what the locals who just want to live a simple life there are constantly going through.
Wow! That pic takes me back. Squeeze & I passed thru Checkpoint Charlie in 88. DDR was about the only stamp in our passport that was more than one colour. (harder to fake??)
I was in Berlin (west side) at the Brandenburg Gates the night the wall came down.

Biz took me to East Berlin and Gdańsk a couple of times each year. Not nice places to live in those days.

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