Lebanon | Page 2 | GTAMotorcycle.com


There you go, then.

Thanks for the clarification.

So we all now ok to cancel all the moral outrage at Lebanese-Canadians?
Yup. There is still the Citizenship of Convenience thing... Canada, like many countries, allows Canadians to hold multiple citizenships. Unlike many It's relatively easy to become a Citizen of Convenience in Canada -- the naturalization period is only 3 years, whereas most 1st world countries are at least 5 years with many 10+ years.

Citizen of Convenience are not interested in contributing to the country, their interest is having a safe haven should their homeland become unstable. Can't say I blame them -- I'd probably try the same if I was born in an unstable country.
Only if they're brown...

There, now it's out in the open. Discuss.
I'll be brown when I return from Florida this winter.

I'm planning to spend 1/2 the winter basking under the tropical sun, drinking $1 Buds while listening to Jimmy Buffet cover bands at happy hour, and fighting seniors for a breakfast table at Bob Evans.
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When COVID hit, the Austrian government chartered a plane and flew my friends, who were traveling the Americas via motorcycle at the time, back to their country before the borders closed. They were the only two people on the plane.

I'm going to assume from that statement that your friends were Austrians (naturalized?) that live/work/pay taxes in Austria and were on a trip in NA at the wrong time, not someone that left 21 years ago and had no plans to ever come back............until the missiles started flying.
YouTube the fights. We need something to get the rest of us peons through the winter.
I in So. FL the first 2 weeks in November - should be epic.

The last time I was this excited about a trip was 35 years ago.


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I'm going to assume from that statement that your friends were Austrians (naturalized?) that live/work/pay taxes in Austria and were on a trip in NA at the wrong time, not someone that left 21 years ago and had no plans to ever come back............until the missiles started flying.

Would this be a thread if a British-Canadian who hadn't lived or worked or paid taxes in Canada had to be evacuated because they ran out of Worcestershire sauce in the UK...?

Asking for a friend, his name is @Jayv .
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Would this be a thread if a British-Canadian who hadn't lived or worked in Canada had to be evacuated because they ran out of Worcestershire sauce in the UK...?
These are the sorta reactions from a poster that seems too kick it off, why even bother if it’s simply trolling?
Would this be a thread if a British-Canadian who hadn't lived or worked in Canada had to be evacuated because they ran out of Worcestershire sauce in the UK...?

I guess you glossed over the tax part......and the mandatory armed forces service in Austria.
YouTube the fights. We need something to get the rest of us peons through the winter.
I will. I like a few cool redneck bars inside the Everglades.

Some doofus will roll in after dark without a MAGA hat - I'll try to film that.
You can be damn sure many are if they qualify. No part of qualifying requires you to have ever paid a single dollar in tax.

OAS is harder to cheat, CRA tests your tax returns, if you collect it from outside Canada, you need to have been a resident of Canada for 20 years as an adult.
To be fair it’s an older thread plus Lebanese food is absolutely delicious. Not to mention every single Lebanese person I’ve ever met has been very friendly and incredibly proud of their country.
We ate falafel sandwiches in Beirut that were as long and thick as my forearm, stuffed with curried cauliflower, broccoli and egg. It was incredible and $4. So big that we shared it for dinner and were stuffed. Lebanon is an awesome country to explore with so much to see and do.
But after it starts, all you need is a Canadian bank account to keep getting paid... you can anywhere with internet banking... and a PO box
Pretty much. That’s why fraud is easy and prevalent.

If I was as unscrupulous as those diploma mill grifters, I could make a fortune helping people scam ChildTax, Trillium, Carbon Tax and OAS.
A close friends parents-in-law live in the Beirut neighbourhood that's currently being bombed with so much 'precision' that entire city blocks have been levelled. The photos they took from their balcony are horrible. They have been terrified all day, unsure whether to run as some cars have been targeted. Then the I'D'F announces that everyone has to leave or they may also be bombed. So they try to leave and discover all the exits have been blocked, thus they are trapped.

I think maybe it's not so bad if people want to escape a war zone where indiscriminate bombing could end yours or any of your family's life. None of these people are 'supporting' Hezbollah, they're just trying to get through their days in one piece.
Lebanon is a messy situation that will get worse before it gets better.

Like Gaza, Hezbollah is deeply imbedded into the civilian population, there’s no easy way to target them. They don’t fight like an army, they don’t wear uniforms, they don’t operate from bases, munitions factories or ammo dumps- all that stuff is in peoples houses and scattered throughout the country.

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