Lebanon | GTAMotorcycle.com


It's not benefits, it's evacuation assistance. Most westernized countries assist their citizens in repatriation in the event of an emergency situation, regardless of if they are residents or not.

When COVID hit, the Austrian government chartered a plane and flew my friends, who were traveling the Americas via motorcycle at the time, back to their country before the borders closed. They were the only two people on the plane.
Consulate help is something most 1st world countries have on hand . I’m happy it exists .

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How does that differ in principle from a bunch of drunk ice fishermen refusing to leave Lake Simcoe ice as the ice deteriorated. They just wanted to catch a few more.

Then it became an expensive emergency.

At the boat show years ago a crusty old geezer was giving the coast guard a hard time over their rescue efforts. His attitude was "Why risk your lives to rescue fools. Let them drown. It makes the waters safer for everyone else."
At the boat show years ago a crusty old geezer was giving the coast guard a hard time over their rescue efforts. His attitude was "Why risk your lives to rescue fools. Let them drown. It makes the waters safer for everyone else."
It also makes people consider consequences of your actions. Most people behave differently if they think their lives may actually be in danger. So many people rely on others to save them when they screw up (and then complain about high taxes and then continue stupid actions requiring intervention).
How does that differ in principle from a bunch of drunk ice fishermen
There a fisherman, I think on Simcoe, no idea if he was drunk, but as it warmed he went out to get his shack, and sunk his sled in the slush. Someone spotted him, called 911 and a "rescue" ensued. He said he didn't want to be rescued... but he was "rescued"... and he didn't get his shack.
So the next day he went back for his shack, got his sled stuck AGAIN, so he walked home to get an ATV. On his return with his ATV... there was another "rescue" going on, to save HIM... he wanted no part of the "rescue", he wanted his shack, tried to hook up his shack and got himself arrested, THEN got a bill for the second "rescue" (the first one is free). IIRC the cost was $10-12,000, which he refused to pay. He wanted no part of either "rescue", he wasn't the one that called 911... he just wanted his shack.
He paid
Idiotic. While I agree that Canadians should have assistance in repatriation...that should be in terms of something during a vacation, or sudden issue.

Not when you get your citizenship, and then go live in an active war zone.

Next let's stop saving those that choose hurricane season for their cheaper vacations, and then whine and complain because Canada won't bring them back in time to return to work.
We are buying more airplane seats for "Canadians". You don't have to fly to Canada. You can go anywhere in the world. Hopefully we are acting as travel agents requiring payment and not funding vacations for people that haven't been to canada in decades.

It's not benefits, it's evacuation assistance. Most westernized countries assist their citizens in repatriation in the event of an emergency situation, regardless of if they are residents or not.

When COVID hit, the Austrian government chartered a plane and flew my friends, who were traveling the Americas via motorcycle at the time, back to their country before the borders closed. They were the only two people on the plane.
Canada doesn't pluck people from conflict zones for free. Evacuees have to get themselves to an international airport, then use a Canadian gov't reservation. Evacuees pay for their flights, if they don't have a ready means to pay, they get a Gov of Canada loan to cover the flight.

There are somewhere between 40,000 and 45,000 'Canadians of Convenience' living in Lebanon.
Are any of them collecting CPP, OAS or other benefits?
You can be damn sure many are if they qualify. No part of qualifying requires you to have ever paid a single dollar in tax.

You can be damn sure many are if they qualify. No part of qualifying requires you to have ever paid a single dollar in tax.

I'm sure that when these benefits were introduced it was the norm for people to live their lives out in Canada and the moneys spent in Canada.

Expectations: My brother knew a Russian babe that had a daughter. She lived in a two bedroom subsidized apartment but wanted a three bedroom because relatives visited from home and stayed for months. So the taxpayer is supposed to foot the bill for her family's extended vacations???
Canada doesn't pluck people from conflict zones for free. Evacuees have to get themselves to an international airport, then use a Canadian gov't reservation. Evacuees pay for their flights, if they don't have a ready means to pay, they get a Gov of Canada loan to cover the flight.

There you go, then.

Thanks for the clarification.

So we all now ok to cancel all the moral outrage at Lebanese-Canadians?
Are any of them collecting CPP, OAS or other benefits?
Sadly, Canada doesn't do a lot of checking into benefit fraud. Those who paid into CPP are entitled to keep it no matter where the live. OAS, no, Child Tax Credits no, -- but these are still paid to an enormous number of people living outside Canada.

When I was a banker, I'd see this quite often. I don't like disclosing all the details of the schemes because they are so simple. I've seen people living 1/2 way around the world collecting Canadian Federal, Provincial and Child tax benefits over $40K/annum. Not 1 or 2... lots.

It's amazing how many CPP pensioners live past 100 while living abroad.

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