Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
In response to the lowered speed limits on Hamilton country roads, I think it has alot more to do with the surge in urban sprawl here than anything else. More and more of that outlying farmland is turning into suburban yuppyville.
Not sure if I commented on this already but the same thing is going on around my parents' place in the country around Guelph and Rockwood. These new parents move in on an 80 kph road and then complain it's too dangerous and get it lowered. Same roads I played on from age of 8 or younger on my bicycle with my friends. We just knew to stay out of the way of cars. Back then people would fly down those roads at like 120 and no one cared. Now last year I passed a guy checking his mail while I was doing 10 over the limit and he gave me the finger when I gave him a friendly wave. Over the last few years I've also had people on those roads see you coming at just above the limit, pull out right when you get to them, drive 10 under, and then give you the finger when you have to brake for them. Seems they all think you're trying to kill their children or something now.

Wouldn't be so much of a problem if these weren't the main routes to the highway that some people need to commute on daily.
Happens all the time.. .I'm sure there are numerous innocent people in jail right now.. because of crooked POS like those two cops.
I look forward to a 'angry parent' taking revenge on dirty cops one day.
LOL "land of the free". America is the place where dishonesty is rewarded, from plea bargaining for the poor, to engaging in war under false pretenses for politicians, to collapsing the credit market for banksters, to stealing and killing and covering up for cops.

The more you can screw people over, the further ahead you get in the US. It's their culture now, as witnessed on TV series like Breaking Bad and Better Caul Saul, and has led to increasing dishonesty and selfishness to the point where it's taken over the highest office in the country.

The only way things will get better is for them to get much, much worse first. And then the fight to restore Good will begin.
This one contains good, bad and ugly.

The bad and ugly are plain to see, but the good is that no officers other than the accused were implicated in the coverup, the chief went straight to investigate as soon as he got wind of the complaint, and the court judged reasonably in finding the cops responsible for the beating. On top of that, the court ruling has caused the York Region police to initiate an investigation into their practices to see if the force contributed or could change anything to reduce the likelihood of a reoccurrence. Unfortunately the '3rd' party investigating YRP is the Peel police, but while that's not reassuring I don't know what alternative exists.

This is a case study in how bad cops should be handled. It's impossible to expect all cops to be good all the time, they're human and sometimes prone to error, sometimes even malicious. The real measure of good cops is how they deal with the bad ones.
Dunno about any uniform change but if they want to attract the power tripping lugheads to the job, that would help.
with 4 kids traveling together, and looking out for each other I see no problem. I see independent young people being empowered. One kid alone would leave me a bit worried, just because there are so many wackadoodles running around

i think there is just too much meddling in parents lives. Some times intervention is required but the scope of 'percieved power' of agencies creating policy is in my mind making kids total dependents, for far too long.
Children under 10 can't be left unsupervised? And he trained them for two years to take a bus?

I took public transit by myself when I was 5 or 6 and my training was, "here's some change, that's a bus, go".
Same with me when I was 7 or 8. Goes to show how fearful we've become. Either that, or bad people didn't exist in the 70s.
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