Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
You really should read that last story BTW... the LA cops have already shot and killed three innocent people on their hunt for a threat to them. It's still developing. And here's a really nice new gem as well:,0,6823422.story

There's no indication thateven one of the three were killed. Not that that excuses the shootings, but it just goes to show your tendancy to invent things out of thin air - like laws of physics and interpretations of things that aren't said.

Anyways, I'm kinda curious... since you are adamant that cops are scum, and since this guy is intent on killing them, don't you support him?
There's no indication thateven one of the three were killed. Not that that excuses the shootings, but it just goes to show your tendancy to invent things out of thin air - like laws of physics and interpretations of things that aren't said.

Early indications where that they had been shot AND KILLED. Bad news travels fast. And now I guess I need to go see if they were or not, now that the first few hours of the news frenzy is over.

Anyways, I'm kinda curious... since you are adamant that cops are scum, and since this guy is intent on killing them, don't you support him?

He's an ex-cop. Need I say more?

Saw at least 3-4 different articles of corruption this week, but i was too busy to post.
I will dig those up asap.
Wow, mindblower, that chap will have a lot of proving to do until he's found innocent.
This poor cop says fark it why respond to the drunk hillbillies... and he gets dragged before a disiplinary board??? Almost too hard to believe....

Good = Cop
Bad = Superviors
Ugly = Seems like the hardline direction is coming from the top as well?? (lets see you be so tough with the native protesters... yeah... thats what I thought)

I dunno... maybe I am missing something...
This poor cop says fark it why respond to the drunk hillbillies... and he gets dragged before a disiplinary board??? Almost too hard to believe....

Good = Cop
Bad = Superviors
Ugly = Seems like the hardline direction is coming from the top as well?? (lets see you be so tough with the native protesters... yeah... thats what I thought)

I dunno... maybe I am missing something...

Thats crazy.

I knew a rookie ish cop who was grazed by a drunken kick in the groinal region. He chose not to pursue it, rather making a mental note not to let that happen again. He took substantial heat from fellow ociffers but not charged. Thats crazy.
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